We are always looking for new ways to deliver medical education alongside traditional pathways. We operate on the firm belief that medics and allied healthcare professionals should be able to attain skills and qualifications to ensure they feel confident and secure when looking after their patients’ needs, wherever they are in the world. Every contact with a patient should always enhance the outcome.
Our location
Located in West Cumbria, the Centre provides students with a unique set of opportunities, exposing them to the challenges of remote and rural medicine.
Download our Westlakes Campus map for a more detailed look at our location.
CPD and Postgraduate
Urgent Medical Care Course (UMeCC), Short Course
A course for health professionals delivering urgent care in rural setting, or in urban area where access to hospital care is restricted.
Digital Health, MSc
Be part of a digital health-ready workforce as the global market expands to reach a predicted £408 billion by 2025. Our MSc Digital Health will equip you to work in the digitally-literate healthcare organisations of the 21st century.
Urgent Care, MSc
When you’re a GP or other healthcare professional, you need to be able to deal with whatever you encounter. Our MSc Urgent Care course will give you the confidence and skills you need to oversee urgent and pre-hospital care so that you can achieve the best possible outcome for your patients.
Physician Associate Practice, MSc
If you’re interested in supporting the healthcare team and working alongside doctors in the diagnosis and management of patients, analysing results and developing treatment and management plans then our MSc Physician Associate Practice course could open doors to a rewarding career.
Undergraduate and courses with a foundation year
Medicine & Surgery, MBBS
Offering an innovative approach to medical education, we focus on early patient contact - you’ll see patients from the very first term in both community and hospital settings.
Physician Associate Studies, MPAS (Hons)
The integrated Master’s in Physician Associate Studies provides an exciting opportunity for you to become a Physician Associate, a medical associate profession, combining university study with practical work-based placements.
Medical Sciences (with Foundation Year), BSc (Hons)
Our foundation year course in Medical Sciences is a ‘gateway’ course which will prepare you to progress onto highly competitive graduate entry medicine, dental, physician associate or pharmacy courses, as well as other professional programmes.
Medicine & Surgery (with Foundation Year), MBBS
Do you have the potential and aspiration to become a doctor, but do not yet have the qualifications required to apply directly to our 5-year Medicine course? Then join our MBBS with a foundation year.
Our team
Contact us
National Centre for Remote and Rural Medicine
UCLan Westlakes Campus
John Fyfe Building
Westlakes Science and Technology Park
Moor Row, Cumbria, CA24 3JY
Tel: +44 (0)1946 517200
Email: remoteandrural@uclan.ac.uk