How to apply for veterinary medicine (BVMS)

Undergraduate study

Thinking about applying to study veterinary medicine at the University of Central Lancashire? We have put together some guidance to help you with your application.

We recognise and value the importance and positive impacts of diversity within our Veterinary Medicine & Surgery (BVMS) programme, the wider university, and beyond.

Our BVMS programme welcomes applications from all students. Students who come from different backgrounds and life experiences have a range of perspectives. This enhances the educational experience for everyone.

This page covers everything you need to know when applying for our BVMS programme, including:

Contextual admissions for BVMS

Widening participation is at the core of our mission. We firmly believe in helping people to seize every opportunity to flourish in education. We offer a reduced entry tariff for those whose life experiences may have resulted in academic challenges.

View our contextual admissions policy

Before you apply

Think clearly about why you want to study veterinary medicine and write a list of your reasons – it would be good to get these across in your application.

Where do you want to study? Whichever university you apply to, make sure you visit, talk to the students and have a good look around the campus and city. Five years is a long time.

Things to think about

  • Other choices

    You won’t be judged for your other uni applications. It doesn’t matter if you also apply for a non-veterinary degree, as long as you can show a strong case for applying to veterinary medicine.
  • Taking a gap year

    If you want to take a gap year then do so. You could further familiarise yourself with the various roles of veterinary surgeons. Or you could develop your personal and professional attributes.
  • Your background

    University selectors are not influenced by whether your parents are veterinary surgeons, or what type of school you come from. It is you they are interested in.
  • Be positive

    Be positive about what you have to offer. If you get an interview, then be confident and relax. It’s your opportunity to show us why you would make a great vet. If you have any questions then don’t be shy to ask.

How to apply for BVMS

UK applications are submitted via UCAS

UK veterinary school applications are expected to be submitted by October the year before entry. If you’re applying for September 2024, you will need to submit your application by 16 October 2023 at 6.00pm.

International applications can be submitted via UCAS or directly via our online application form

We accept direct international applications throughout the year. However, you should apply early so that we can process your application in good time.

There are several stages to the admissions process:

Personal statement for BVMS

You should approach your personal statement in the same way as a job application. You should use it to provide evidence that you have the qualities required to be a trainee veterinary surgeon. Instead of telling us what you think you're good at, provide examples of things you've done that show what you're good at. Also, tell us what you’ve learned from your experiences and achievements. 

Your personal statement should cover the following:

Reference for BVMS 

In your reference we want to know what the writer of the reference thinks about you as a whole person. We want to know more than your academic achievements and potential.

Your reference is likely to be written by your head teacher, college principal, head of year or form tutor.

The areas in which we need information from your referee are below: 

Interviews for BVMS

We will assess your application, including your personal statement and academic reference. If you're successful, you'll be invited for an interview. This will be a Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) and is usually between December and April.

Further information for BVMS

We reserve the right to reject applications that are incomplete. Any application submitted without a completed reference will be automatically rejected.

BVMS with a Foundation Year

Advice for BVMS with Foundation Year applications

If you don't meet the BVMS requirements, you could think about our BVMS with Foundation Year. It's for people with different qualifications or skills who want to enter veterinary work. That's why we give special attention to applications from those with a non-traditional education. We offer a reduced entry tariff for those whose life experiences may have resulted in academic challenges. 

Visit our contextual admissions page

Alternative courses

Veterinary Medicine & Surgery (with Foundation Year), BVMS

Would you like to become a vet but don't have a science background? Open up the possibility of an exciting veterinary career with our gateway to Veterinary Medicine.

Bioveterinary Sciences, BSc (Hons)

Delivered over just two years, our BSc (Hons) Bioveterinary Sciences accelerated programme provides a unique opportunity for you to gain a scientific degree, enhanced with clinical and research applications.

Bioveterinary Sciences (with Foundation Year), BSc (Hons)

Our Foundation programme in Veterinary Sciences is a ‘gateway’ course, giving you the opportunity to progress to our BSc (Hons) programmes and opening up the possibility of an exciting veterinary-related career.

Contact our Admissions Team

If you have any questions or worries, feel free to get in touch with us.