Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at the University of Central Lancashire has courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels developing your academic and professional skills. There are opportunities to gain industry recognised qualifications.

Teaching English is a rewarding career with opportunities to work locally, nationally, globally and digitally. 

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Why study with us

  • Opportunity to gain recognised external qualification - Trinity CertTESOL.

  • Opportunity to study abroad in a non-English speaking country to practise your skills.

  • State-of-the-art learning centre, with interactive video, satellite television, computers, and other self-study audio and video materials.
Sound interesting?
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TESOL student using the Digital Language Lab
TESOL student using the Digital Language Lab
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I think that it is an incredible opportunity really as it is just such an amazing way to become a teacher and to learn about teaching. There is no other course like it!
Sophie Ferris
Sophie Ferris
BA (Hons) TESOL with Korean
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What can I do with TESOL?

Graduates have followed careers in teaching, education management, training, and publishing. Others have explored translating and interpreting and the civil service. Many others have followed further postgraduate studies including a PhD. Many of our graduates are now working abroad.

Opportunities arise for students to become involved in research projects within the team. We have a well-established network of alumni from our courses who we can put students in contact with.

Studying TESOL could lead to a future career as a:

  •  ESL instructor
  • English as a foreign language teacher
  • International aid/development worker
  • Translator
  • Secondary school teacher

Take the next step

group of students walking outside once was lost in preston

Study a degree at UCLan

Interested in studying a degree with us? From exploring accommodation to visiting us at an Open Day, find out everything you need to know about life at UCLan.

Meet the team

Dr Nicola Halenko
Senior Lecturer
Dr Sharon McCulloch
Senior Lecturer in Language and Education
Elena Anna Maria Gandini
Lecturer ESOL/EFL
Dr Josie Leonard
Senior Lecturer in TESOL
Dr Tania Horák
Senior Lecturer
Karen Smith
Senior Lecturer
Laura Walker
Lecturer in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Neil Walker
Senior Lecturer in TESOL