Student contracts – taught courses
The University of Central Lancashire’s general policies, handbooks and regulations aim to provide students with a safe and supportive environment in which to study.

It is important that as a student, you know that these policies exist and their relevance to you as a UCLan student. There is a summary of all student policies available for information.
Please note that student policies and regulations are applicable to your current year of enrolment.
If you require a policy in Braille, or a format that works with a specific screen reader, please email the Inclusive Support Team.
Summary documents
Students Terms and Conditions
Any offer of a place made to you by the University is on the basis that in accepting such an offer you agree to the terms and conditions, which form part of the contract between you and the University.
University Student Handbook
The University Student Handbook contains information that we hope you will find useful and that will contribute towards the success of your study. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the information contained on this page and Academic Regulations as it forms part of your student contract
Tuition fees
Each year the University sets its annual tuition fee levels, discounts, terms and conditions for all students who enrol with the University. These fees fall into different categories based on residency and course type.
- Tuition Fees Policy
- Standard Additional Costs: UK
- Standard Additional Costs: International
- Further information about Fees and Finance
Regulations and policies
- Academic Regulations (Taught Programmes)
- Academic Regulations (Taught Programmes – with a 30 credit module structure)
- Academic Regulations: Professional Doctorates (these only apply to students enrolled on a Professional Doctorate course and cover both taught and research stages of the course)
- Academic Appeals Procedure
- Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for Academic Misconduct
- Mitigating Circumstances Policy and Procedure
- Admissions Policy and Applicant Complaints Procedure
- Regulation for the Conduct of Students
- Fitness to Practise Procedure
- Support to Study Policy and Procedure
- Intellectual Property Regulations
General policies
- Disability Policy
- Freedom of Speech
- Smoking and Vaping Policy
- Student Protection Plan
- Student Transfer Policy
- Domestic Abuse Policy for Students
- Harassment Policy for Students
- Procedure for Reporting and responding to incidents of Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Domestic Abuse
- Sexual Misconduct Policy
Library, IT and facilities
- Technical Services Loans Policy
- Wireless Network Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Network Lite Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Email Use Policy
- IT Security Policy
- Rules for the use of the IT Facilities
- Rules for the use of the Library
- Regulations Governing Posters, Notices, Temporary Signs and Distribution of Literature
Summary documents
Student Terms and Conditions
Any offer of a place made to you by the University is on the basis that in accepting such an offer you agree to the terms and conditions, which form part of the contract between you and the University.
University Student Handbook
The University Student Handbook contains information that we hope you will find useful and that will contribute towards the success of your study. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the information contained on this page and Academic Regulations as it forms part of your student contract
Tuition fees
Each year the University sets its annual tuition fee levels, discounts, terms and conditions for all students who enrol with the University. These fees fall into different categories based on residency and course type.
- Tuition Fees Policy (for Semester 1 2024/25)
- Tuition Fees Policy (for Semester 2 2024/25 onwards)
- Standard Additional Costs: UK
- Standard Additional Costs: International
- Further information about Fees and Finance
Regulations and policies
- Academic Regulations (Taught Programmes)
- Academic Regulations (Taught Programmes – with a 30 credit module structure)
- Academic Regulations: Professional Doctorates (these only apply to students enrolled on a Professional Doctorate course and cover both taught and research stages of the course)
- Academic Appeals Procedure
- Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for Academic Misconduct
- Mitigating Circumstances Policy and Procedure
- Admissions Policy and Applicant Complaints Procedure
- Regulation for the Conduct of Students
- Fitness to Practise Procedure
- Support to Study Policy and Procedure
- Intellectual Property Regulations
General policies
- Disability Policy
- Freedom of Speech
- Smoking and Vaping Policy
- Student Protection Plan
- Student Transfer Policy
- Domestic Abuse Policy for Students
- Harassment Policy for Students
- Procedure for Reporting and responding to incidents of Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Domestic Abuse
- Sexual Misconduct Policy
Library, IT and facilities
- Learning and Technical Services Loans Policy
- Wireless Network Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Network Lite Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Email Use Policy
- IT Security Policy
- Rules for the use of the IT Facilities
- Rules for the use of the Library
- Regulations Governing Posters, Notices, Temporary Signs and Distribution of Literature
Summary documents
Student Terms and Conditions
Any offer of a place made to you by the University is on the basis that in accepting such an offer you agree to the terms and conditions, which form part of the contract between you and the University.
University Student Handbook
The University Student Handbook contains information that we hope you will find useful and that will contribute towards the success of your study. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the information contained on this page and Academic Regulations as it forms part of your student contract
Tuition fees
Each year the University sets its annual tuition fee levels, discounts, terms and conditions for all students who enrol with the University. These fees fall into different categories based on residency and course type.
- Tuition Fees Policy - September 2023
- Tuition Fees Policy - January 2024
- Standard Additional Costs: UK
- Standard Additional Costs: International
- Further information about Fees and Finance
Regulations and policies
- Academic Regulations (Taught Programmes)
- Academic Regulations (Taught Programmes – with a 30 credit module structure)
- Academic Regulations: Professional Doctorates*
- Admissions Policy and Complaints Procedure
- Admissions Policy for Applicants with a Criminal Record
- Academic Appeals Procedure
- Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for Academic Misconduct
- Mitigating Circumstances Policy and Procedure
- Regulation for the Conduct of Students
- Fitness to Practise Procedure
- Support to Study Policy and Procedure
- Intellectual Property Regulations
*These Academic Regulations only apply to students enrolled on a Professional Doctorate course and cover both taught and research stages of the course.
General policies
- Disability Policy
- Freedom of Speech
- Smoking and Vaping Policy
- Student Protection Plan
- Student Transfer Policy
- Domestic Abuse Policy for Students
- Harassment Policy for Students
- Procedure for Reporting and responding to incidents of Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Domestic Abuse
- Sexual Misconduct Policy
Library, IT and facilities
- Technical Services Loans Policy
- Wireless Network Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Network Lite Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Email Use Policy
- IT Security Policy
- Rules for the use of the IT Facilities
- Rules for the use of the Library
- Regulations Governing Posters, Notices, Temporary Signs and Distribution of Literature
Summary documents
Accompanying information and conditions of offer
Any offer of a place made to you by the University is on the basis that in accepting such an offer you agree to the terms and conditions, which form part of the contract between you and the University.
University Student Handbook
The University Student Handbook contains information that we hope you will find useful and that will contribute towards the success of your study. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the information contained on this page and Academic Regulations as it forms part of your student contract
Tuition fees
Each year the University sets its annual tuition fee levels, discounts, terms and conditions for all students who enrol with the University. These fees fall into different categories based on residency and course type.
- Tuition Fees Policy
- Standard Additional Costs: UK
- Standard Additional Costs: International
- Further information about Fees and Finance
- Paying your fees
Regulations and policies
- Academic Regulations
- Academic Regulations: Professional Doctorates*
- Admissions Policy and Complaints Procedure
- Admissions Policy for Applicants with a Criminal Record
- Academic Appeals Procedure
- Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for Academic Misconduct
- Mitigating Circumstances Policy and Procedure
- Regulation for the Conduct of Students
- Fitness to Practise
- Support to Study Policy and Procedure
- Intellectual Property
* These Academic Regulations only apply to students enrolled on a Professional Doctorate course and cover both taught and research stages of the course.
General policies
- Disability Policy
- Freedom of Speech
- Smoking Policy
- Student Protection
- Student Dignity and Respect Policy
Library, IT and facilities
- Technical Services Loans Policy
- Wireless Network Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Network Lite Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Email Use Policy
- IT Security Policy
- Rules for the use of the IT Facilities
- Rules for the use of the Library
- Regulations Governing Posters, Notices, Temporary Signs and Distribution of Literature
Summary documents
Accompanying information and conditions of offer
Any offer of a place made to you by the University is on the basis that in accepting such an offer you agree to the terms and conditions, which form part of the contract between you and the University.
Course handbooks
Each course has its own handbook which contains information that we hope you will find useful and that will contribute towards the success of your study. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the information contained on this page and Academic Regulations as it forms part of your student contract.
Tuition fees
Each year the University sets its annual tuition fee levels, discounts, terms and conditions for all students who enrol with the University. These fees fall into different categories based on residency and course type.
- Tuition Fees Policy
- Standard Additional Costs: UK / EU
- Standard Additional Costs: International
- Further information about Fees and Finance
- Paying your fees
Regulations and policies
- Academic Regulations Taught
- Academic Regulations: Professional Doctorates*
- Admissions Policy and Complaints Procedure
- Admissions Policy for Applicants with a Criminal Conviction
- Assessment Handbook
- Regulation for the Conduct of Students
- Fitness to Practise
- Fitness to Study
- Intellectual Property
* These Academic Regulations only apply to students enrolled on a Professional Doctorate course and cover both taught and research stages of the course.
General policies
- Disability Policy
- Freedom of Speech
- Smoking Policy
- Student Protection
- Student Dignity and Respect Policy
Library, IT and facilities
- Technical Services Loans Policy
- Wireless Network Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Network Lite Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Email Use Policy
- IT Security Policy
- Rules for the use of the IT Facilities
- Rules for the use of the Library
- Regulations Governing Posters, Notices, Temporary Signs and Distribution of Literature
Summary documents
- Summary of Policies
- Summary of Policies: Professional Doctorates
- Summary of Policy Changes for Returning Students
- Addendum to the Course Handbook
Accompanying information and conditions of offer
Any offer of a place made to you by the University is on the basis that in accepting such an offer you agree to the terms and conditions, which form part of the contract between you and the University.
Course handbooks
Each course has its own handbook which contains information that we hope you will find useful and that will contribute towards the success of your study. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the information contained on this page and Academic Regulations as it forms part of your student contract.
Tuition fees
Each year the University sets its annual tuition fee levels, discounts, terms and conditions for all students who enrol with the University. These fees fall into different categories based on residency and course type.
- Tuition Fees Policy
- Tuition Fees Policy (MBBS)
- Standard Additional Costs: UK / EU
- Standard Additional Costs: International
- Further information about Fees and Finance
- Paying your fees
Regulations and policies
- Academic Regulations
- Academic Regulations: Professional Doctorates*
- Admissions Policy and Complaints Procedure
- Assessment Handbook
- Regulation for the Conduct of Students
- Fitness to Practise
- Fitness to Study
- Intellectual Property
* These Academic Regulations only apply to students enrolled on a Professional Doctorate course and cover both taught and research stages of the course.
General policies
- Disability Policy
- Freedom of Speech
- Smoking Policy
- Student Protection
- Student Dignity and Respect Policy
Library, IT and facilities
- Technical Services Loans Policy
- Wireless Network Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Network Lite Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Email Use Policy
- IT Security Policy
- Rules for the use of the IT Facilities
- Rules for the use of the Library
- Regulations Governing Posters, Notices, Temporary Signs and Distribution of Literature
Summary documents
- Summary of Policies
- Summary of Policies: Doctorates
- Summary of Policy Changes for Returning Students
Accompanying information and conditions of offer
Any offer of a place made to you by the University is on the basis that in accepting such an offer you agree to the terms and conditions, which form part of the contract between you and the University.
Course handbooks
Each course has its own handbook which contains information that we hope you will find useful and that will contribute towards the success of your study. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the information contained on this page and Academic Regulations as it forms part of your student contract.
Tuition fees
Each year the University sets its annual tuition fee levels, discounts, terms and conditions for all students who enrol with the University. These fees fall into different categories based on residency and course type.
- Tuition Fees Policy
- Tuition Fees Policy (MBBS)
- Standard Additional Costs: UK / EU
- Standard Additional Costs: International
- Further information about Fees and Finance
- Paying your fees
Regulations and policies
- Academic Regulations
- Academic Regulations: Professional Doctorates*
- Admissions Policy and Complaints Procedure
- Assessment Handbook
- Regulation for the Conduct of Students
- Fitness to Practise
- Fitness to Study
- Intellectual Property
* These Academic Regulations only apply to students enrolled on a Professional Doctorate course and cover both taught and research stages of the course.
General policies
- Disability Policy
- Freedom of Speech
- Smoking Policy
- Student Protection
- Student Dignity and Respect Policy
Library, IT and facilities
- Technical Services Loans Policy
- Wireless Network Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Network Lite Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Email Use Policy
- IT Security Policy
- Rules for the use of the IT Facilities
- Rules for the use of the Library
- Regulations Governing Posters, Notices, Temporary Signs and Distribution of Literature
Summary documents
Accompanying information and conditions of offer
Any offer of a place made to you by the University is on the basis that in accepting such an offer you agree to the terms and conditions, which form part of the contract between you and the University.
Course handbooks
Each course has its own handbook which contains information that we hope you will find useful and that will contribute towards the success of your study. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the information contained on this page and Academic Regulations as it forms part of your student contract.
Tuition fees
Each year the University sets its annual tuition fee levels, discounts, terms and conditions for all students who enrol with the University. These fees fall into different categories based on residency and course type.
- Tuition Fees Policy
- Tuition Fees Policy (MBBS)
- Standard Additional Costs: UK/EU
- Standard Additional Costs: International
- Further information about Fees and Finance
- Paying your fees
Regulations and policies
- Academic Regulations
- Academic Regulations: Professional Doctorates*
- Admissions Policy and Complaints Procedure
- Assessment Handbook
- Regulation for the Conduct of Students
- Fitness to Practise
- Fitness to Study
- Intellectual Property
* These Academic Regulations only apply to students enrolled on a Professional Doctorate course and cover both taught and research stages of the course.
General policies
- Disability Policy
- Freedom of Speech
- Smoking Policy
- Student Protection
- Student Dignity and Respect Policy
Library, IT and facilities
- Technical Services Loans Policy
- Wireless Network Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Network Lite Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Email Use Policy
- IT Security Policy
- Rules for the use of the IT Facilities
- Rules for the use of the Library
- Regulations Governing Posters, Notices, Temporary Signs and Distribution of Literature
Summary documents
Accompanying information and conditions of offer
Any offer of a place made to you by the University is on the basis that in accepting such an offer you agree to the terms and conditions, which form part of the contract between you and the University.
Course handbooks
Each course has its own handbook which contains information that we hope you will find useful and that will contribute towards the success of your study. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the information contained on this page and Academic Regulations as it forms part of your student contract.
Tuition fees
Each year the University sets its annual tuition fee levels, discounts, terms and conditions for all students who enrol with the University. These fees fall into different categories based on residency and course type.
- Tuition Fees Policy
- Tuition Fees Policy (MBBS)
- Standard Additional Cost: UK/EU
- Standard Additional Costs: International
- Further information about Fees and Finance
- Paying your fees
Regulations and policies
- Academic Regulations
- Admissions Policy and Complaints Procedure
- Assessment Handbook
- Regulation for the Conduct of Students
- Fitness to Practise
- Fitness to Study
- Student Harassment Policy
- Intellectual Property
General policies
Library, IT and facilities
- Technical Services Loans Policy
- Wireless Network Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Email Use Policy
- IT Security Policy
- Rules for the use of the IT Facilities
- Rules for the use of the Library
- Network Lite Fair Usage and Security Policy
- Regulations Governing Posters, Notices, Temporary Signs and Distribution of Literature
Summary documents
Accompanying information and conditions of offer
Any offer of a place made to you by the University is on the basis that in accepting such an offer you agree to the terms and conditions, which form part of the contract between you and the University.
Course handbooks
Each course has its own handbook which contains information that we hope you will find useful and that will contribute towards the success of your study. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the information contained on this page and Academic Regulations as it forms part of your student contract.
Tuition fees
Each year the University sets its annual tuition fee levels, discounts, terms and conditions for all students who enrol with the University. These fees fall into different categories based on residency and course type.
- Tuition Fees Policy
- Tuition Fees Policy (MBBS)
- Standard Additional Costs: UK/EU
- Standard Additional Costs: International
- Further information about Fees and Finance
- Paying your fees
Regulations and policies
- Academic Regulations
- Admissions Policy and Complaints Procedure
- Assessment Handbook
- Regulation for the Conduct of Students
- Fitness to Practise
- Fitness to Study
- Student Harassment Policy
- Intellectual Property
General policies
Library, IT and facilities