BA (Hons) Games Design Saija Wintersun picked UCLan because of technical and artistic content

Alumni spotlight

Games Design graduate Saija Wintersun, chose a degree in Games Design at the University of Central Lancashire because of the right balance on the course between technical and artistic content.

Alumni Saija Wintersun

Shortly before her graduation, Saija was offered a job as a Junior Artist at Rebellion Developments where she’s continued her career development to reach her current position as Principal Environment Artist. Saija has created game levels from pre-production to publishing, created assets for games, lighting and arranging compositions in the game world, as well as optimisation and bug fixes. Her published games include Sniper Elite 3, Zombie Army Trilogy, Sniper Elite 4 and Zombie Army 4.

Speaking about her time at University and how the experience led to her getting her job, Saija said: “I would never have gotten this job without my course.” Saija also speaks very highly of her course leader and teaching staff and is appreciative of the support they gave her and due to this, she has returned to campus to talk to current students about her industry highlights.

When asked about her achievements, Saija said: “I'm very proud of my career and all the games I worked on that received good reviews. I also got my face scanned and became a playable character in Sniper Elite 4.”

Saija has some sound advice for students, she said that throughout her time at UCLan and especially in her third year, Saija was encouraged to focus on her portfolio which she says in industry is “the most important thing”.

"Don't wait until graduation to start properly working on your portfolio. It's much better to do it with the help of lecturers than try to motivate yourself on your own."

Interested in becoming a games designer? Develop your skills and secure your future career by studying BA (Hons) Games Design.

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