Research Unit for Speech and Language
RUSL brings together UCLan researchers whose work straddles the theoretical-applied spectrum.

As their performance in RAE2008 reveals, RUSL members are especially recognised for the academic excellence of their research, its interdisciplinary nature, and the cultural and social benefits such research affords.
Research strengths include:
- Corpus Linguistics – specifically, the development and application of corpus tools and annotation schemes - as a means of advancing theory, investigating language change, and documenting discursive practices as used within particular communities of practice (socio-cultural, professional and forensic).
- Discourse and Argumentation Studies – including critical discourse analysis, argumentation theory (including pragma-dialectics), and political rhetoric.
- Discourse and Identity – including discourse constructionism, identity as situated practice, multilingual & multicultural language practices, and cultural identity
- Education, Language and Literacy – including strategies for embedding employability into the curriculum, grammar in education, widening participation via language, computer-assisted language learning and literacies and technology.
- Forensic Linguistics – specifically, authorship analysis, courtroom practices (modern and historical), the language of extremism, and online behaviour.
- Pragmatics (contemporary and historical) – including the interface with prosody, grammaticalisation, discourse marker and speech act research, the development of pragmatic annotation schemes, and tracing the development / evolution of pragmatic phenomena over time (including linguistic indicators of aggression).
- Sign Language interpreting – including the interface between interpreting studies and pragmatics.
- Theoretical Linguistics – specifically, phonetics, grammatical/morpho-syntactic change, descriptive and theoretical Germanic Linguistics, cross-linguistic grammatical description.
- Aggression/impoliteness
- Argumentation Theory
- Authorship Analysis
- Bilingualism
- Code-switching
- Computer Mediated Communication
- Corpus Linguistics
- Critical Discourse Analysis
- English and Germanic Linguistics
- Interpreting
- Literacy
- Political Rhetoric
- Pragmatics
- Prosody
- Sociolinguistics
As well as publishing high quality research in peer-reviewed international academic journals, members of the RUSL team are involved in industry consultancy projects.
- Archer, D. (ed.). (2009). What’s in a word-list? Investigating word frequency and keyword extraction. Ashgate.
Journal Articles
- Archer, D. and. Culpeper, J. (2009). Identifying key socio-pragmatic usage in plays and trial proceedings (1640-1760): An empirical approach via corpus annotation. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 2(10): 286-309.
- Baron, A., Rayson, P. and Archer, D. (2009). Word frequency and key word statistics in historical corpus linguistics. International Journal of English Studies 29(1): 41-68.
- McIntyre, D. and Archer, D. (2010). A corpus-based approach to mind style. Journal of Literary Semantics 39(2): 167-182.
- Pilz, T., Ernst-Gerlach, A., Kempken, S., Rayson, P. and Archer, D. (2008.) The identification of spelling variants in English and German historical texts: manual or automatic? Literary and Linguistic Computing 23( 1): 65-72. doi:10.1093/llc/fqm044.
- Prentice, S. and Hardie, A. (2009). ‘Empowerment and disempowerment in the Glencairn Uprising: A corpus-based critical analysis of Early Modern English news discourse’. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 10 (1): 23-55.
Chapters in Edited Collections
- Archer, D. (in press). Exploring pragmatic phenomena in English historical texts using USAS: the possibilities and the problems. In: Taavitsainen, I. and Jucker, A. (eds.) Historical Corpus Pragmatics. John Benjamins.
- Archer, D. (2012). Corpus Annotation: A welcome addition or an interpretation too far? In: Tyrkkö, J., Kipiö, M., Nevalainen, T. and Rissanen, M. (eds.). Outposts of Historical Corpus Linguistics: From the Helsinki Corpus to a Proliferation of Resources. Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English eSeries.
- Archer, D. and Bousfield, D. (2010). “See better, Lear”? See Lear better! A corpus-based pragma-stylistic investigation of Shakespeare’s King Lear. In: McIntyre, D. and Busse, B. (eds.). Language and Style. Palgrave, pp.183-203.
- Archer, D., Culpeper, J. and Davies, M. (2008). Pragmatic annotation. In: Lüdeling, A. and Kytö, M. (eds.) Corpus Linguistics: An International Handbook. Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 613-641.
- Archer, D., Culpeper, J. and Rayson, P. (2009). Love – ‘a familiar of a devil’? An Exploration of Key Domains in Shakespeare’s Comedies and Tragedies. In: Archer, D. (ed.) What’s in a word-list? Investigating word frequency and keyword extraction. Ashgate, pp. 137-158.
Conference Proceedings
- Rayson, P., Archer, D., Baron, A. and Smith, N. (2008). Travelling Through Time with Corpus Annotation Software. In: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. (ed.). Corpus Linguistics, Computer Tools, and Applications - State of the Art. PALC 2007. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 29-46.
- Fairclough, I. and Fairclough, N. (2012). Political Discourse Analysis. A Method for Advanced Students, London: Routledge.
- Finnis, K (forthcoming 2014). Language Use and Identity in a Community of Practice: Code-Switching amongst British-born Greek-Cypriots in London. (Book contract with Cambridge Scholars)
- Foxlee, N. (2010). Albert Camus’s ‘The New Mediterranean Culture’: A Text and its Contexts. Peter Lang.
- McKay, G., Williams, C., Goddard, M. Foxlee, N. and Ramanauskaitė, E. (eds.). (2009). Subcultures and New Religious Movements in Russia and East-Central Europe (Peter Lang).
Journal Articles
- Archer, D. and Williams, C. (2013). Constructing a shared history, space and destiny: the children’s reader Udmurtia Forever with Russia. Pragmatics and Society 4(2): 200-20.
- Archer, D., Williams, C. and Fryer, P. (2013). A linguistic/discursive space for all? Perspectives on minority languages and identity across Europe. Pragmatics and Society 4(2): 127-36.
- Fairclough, I. (forthcoming). Evaluating policy as practical argument, Critical Policy Studies.
- Fairclough, I. and Fairclough, N. (2013). Argument, Deliberation, Dialectic and the Nature of the Political: A CDA Perspective, Political Studies Review 11: 336-344.
- Fairclough, I. and Fairclough, N. (2012) Analyse et évaluation de l’argumentation dans l’analyse critique du discours (CDA): Délibération et dialectique des Lumières, Argumentation et analyse du discours [En ligne] 9/ 2012.
- Fairclough, I. and Fairclough, N. (2011). Practical reasoning in political discourse: the UK government’s response to the economic crisis in the 2008 Pre-Budget Report, Discourse & Society 22(3): 243-268.
- Fairclough, I. (2008). Legitimation and strategic manoeuvring in the political field, Argumentation 22: 399-417.
- Fairclough, I. (2008). Branding and strategic manoeuvring in the Romanian presidential election of 2004. A critical discourse-analytical and pragma-dialectical perspective, Journal of Language and Politics 7(3): 372-390.
- Finnis, K. (forthcoming 2014). Variation within a Greek-Cypriot Community of Practice in London: Code-switching, gender and identity. Language in Society 43 (3).
- Finnis, K. (2013). Creating a ‘new space’ for British-born Greek-Cypriots: Reifying identity through Code-Switching Practices. Pragmatics and Society 4(2) 137-57.
- Foxlee, N. (2010). ‘“Abstraction”, anti-intellectualisme, autocritique chez le jeune Camus’, Albert Camus 22 (Revue des Lettres Modernes), 155-73.
- Foxlee, N. (2009). ‘“Arabes”, “Algériens” et autres appellations dans le discours camusien’, Bulletin de la Société des Études Camusiennes 88, 35-8.
- Georgakopoulou, A. and Finnis, K. (2009). Code-switching ‘in site’ for fantasizing identities: A case study of conventional uses of London Greek Cypriot. Pragmatics 19(3), 467-488.
- Prentice, S. (2010). ‘Using automated semantic tagging in Critical Discourse Analysis: A case study on Scottish independence from a Scottish nationalist perspective’. Discourse & Society, 21 (4), 405-437.
- Williams, C. and Archer, D. (2013). Constructing the “ethnic other” in two history school books: re- colonialisation (Udmurtia) Versus de-colonialisation (Tatarstan). Special Issue of East-West.
Chapters in Edited Collections
- Fairclough, I. and Fairclough, N. (2012). Values as premises in practical arguments. Conceptions of justice in the public debate over bankers’ bonuses, in Eemeren, F. H. van and Garssen, B. (eds) Exploring Argumentative Contexts, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 23-42.
- Fairclough, I. and Fairclough, N. (2012). Ethics and social critique. Evaluation of practical arguments in political discourse. In: Guerin, C., Siouffi, G. and Sorlin, S. (eds). Discourse and Ethics, Peter Lang, 287-304.
- Fairclough, N. and Fairclough, I. (2010). Argumentation Theory in CDA: Analyzing Practical Reasoning in Political Discourse. In: Cillia, R. de, Gruber, H., Krzyzanowski, M. and Menz, F. (eds.). Discourse-Politics-Identity, Tubingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 59-70.
- Fairclough, I. (2009). Strategic Manoeuvring in the Political Field. In: van Eemeren, F.H. (ed.). Examining Argumentation in Context, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 131-151.
- Foxlee, N. (forthcoming). ‘Rhetoric and race: David Starkey and the 2011 English riots’. In: Atkins, J.,. Finlayson, A., Martin, J. and Turnbull, N. (eds). Rhetoric in British Politics and Society. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Jones, H.L. (forthcoming). ‘… one day will bear witness to it like a fossil’. Echoes of the past in the language of the present. Heartbeat Detector /La Question Humaine (2007). Contested Memories, Studies in Cultural History Series, Routledge, final editors tbc.
- Jones, H.L. (2009). “Im Unterwegssein sich heimisch fühlen”: Das Hotel als Handlungsort in der ostdeutschen Literatur der neunziger Jahre, in Francesca Vidal (ed), Träume gegen Mauern/Dreams Against Walls, Bloch-Jahrbuch 2009. Talheimer Verlag, pp. 294-303.
- Jones, H.L (2007). ‘Aimée, Jaguar and Sophie Scholl: Women on the German Home Front’. In: Paris, M. (ed.). Re-Picturing the War. Representations of the Second World War in Film and Television since 1989. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.83-93.
- Orme, M. (2011). “Camus à la scène au Royaume-Uni: toujours à l’affiche?”. I:n Bastien, S., Montgomery, G. and Orme, M. (eds.). La passion du théâtre: Camus à la scène. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 195-206.
- Orme, M. (2008). “Camus et les défis de la démocratie au XXIe siècle”. In: Margerrison, C., Orme, M. and Lincoln, L. (eds.). Albert Camus in the 21st Century: A Reassessment of his Thinking at the Dawn of the New Millennium. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 245-58.
Conference Proceedings
- Fairclough, I. and Fairclough, N. (2011). Practical reasoning in political discourse. Moral and prudential arguments in the debate over bankers’ bonuses in the British press. In: Eemeren, F. H. van, Garssen, B., Godden, D. and Mitchell, G. (eds.). Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Amsterdam: Sic Sat, 434-447.
- Foxlee, N. (2009). ‘Intertextuality, interdiscursivity and identification in the 2008 Obama campaign’. In: Mohor-Ivan, I. and Colipcă, G.J. (eds.). Identity, Alterity, Hybridity (IDAH), Proceedings of the International Conference, Galaţi, 14-16 May 2009 (Galaţi: Galaţi University Press), pp. 26-42.
- Jones, H.L. (2013). In search of a memorial: an exercise in navigation. The Scientific Advances in Creative Writing and Literary Reading Research Workshop (CWLRR), 22nd-24th May, Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Theme Issues / Journal Special Editions
- Archer, D., Williams, C., and Fryer, P. (eds.). (2013). ‘Space for all(?): perspectives on minority languages and identity across the European continent’. Pragmatics and Society 4(2).
- Ivanic, R., Edwards, R., Barton, D., Fowler, Z., Mannion, G., Miller, K., Satchwell, C., Smith, J., Martin-Jones, M., Hughes, B. (2009). Improving Learning in College, London: Taylor & Francis.
Journal Articles
- Jones, C., Waller D. and Golebiewska, P. (in press). Defining successful spoken language at B2 level: findings from a corpus of learner test data. European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL.
- Jones, C., and Horak, T. (in press). Leave it out! The use of soap operas as models of spoken discourse in the ELT classroom. Journal of Language Teaching and Learning.
- Jones, C., and Carter, R. (forthcoming). Teaching spoken discourse markers explicitly: a comparison of III and PPP. International Journal of English Studies.
- Satchwell, C. (2012) ‘“Carbon literacy practices”: textual footprints between school and home in children’s construction of knowledge about climate change’, Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability (first published online 6.6.12).
- Satchwell, C. and Smith, J. (2010) “A shared endeavour?” The experiences of Further Education practitioners and Higher Education researchers on a collaborative research project. Studies in the Education of Adults, Vol.42.
- Smith, J., Satchwell, C., et al. (2009) ‘Literacy practices in the learning careers of childcare students’, Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol. 60, No. 4., pp. 363-375.
Chapters in Edited Collections
- Johnson, K., Lytle, R., and Yang, J.H. (2009). Deaf education and the deaf community in China: Past, present, and future. In: Moores, D.E. and Miller, M.SD. (eds.). Deaf People around the World: Educational and social perspectives. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press. p17-32.
- Satchwell, C. and Ivanic, R. (2009). 'Textual mediation of learning in Further Education'. In: Thorpe, M.S., Biesta, G. and Edwards, R.G. (eds.). Rethinking Contexts for Learning and Teaching, London: Routledge.
- Satchwell, C. and Ivanic, R. (2010) 'Reading and writing the self as a college student: Fluidity and ambivalence across contexts'. In: Ecclestone, K., Biesta, G. and Hughes, M. (eds.). Lost in transition? Change and becoming through the life-course, London: Routledge Falmer.
- Satchwell, C., Barton, D., Hamilton, M. (2013) ‘Crossing boundaries: digital and non-digital literacy practices in formal and informal contexts in further and higher education’. In: Goodfellow, R. and Lea, M. (eds.). Literacy in the Digital University, Routledge
- Yang, J. H. (2008). Sign Language and Oral/Written Language in Deaf Education in China. In: Plaza-Pust, C. and Morales-López, E. (eds). Sign Bilingualism: Language Development, Interaction, and Maintenance in Sign Language Contact Situations. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. p297-331.
- Yang, J. H. (2011). Social Situations and the Education of Deaf Children in China. In: Mathur, G. and Napoli, D. J. (eds.). Deaf Around the World: the impact of language. Cambridge University Press. 467-486.
Conference Proceedings
- Archer, D., Kilpatrick, A. and Day, H. (2009). English Language Studies Initiative for Employability (ELSIE): The benefits of embedding employability into a subject curriculum. In Proceedings of European First Year Experience (EFYE) Conference. University of Wolverhampton, 8-9 May 2008, pp. 7-13.
- Kilpatrick, A. (2012). ‘Application of the DOTS Model for Focussing on Career Goals’, Australian Career Practitioner, Career Development Association of Australia, 23.4: 7-8.
- Kruse, S-E. and Yang, J.H. (July 2009). An evaluation of SigAm bilingual education project for deaf children in China 2004-2009. Norway: The Signo Foundation.
- Reisenberger, A., Barton, D. and Satchwell, C. (2010) Engaging homeless people, Black and Minority Ethnic and other priority groups in Skills for Life, London, NRDC.
- Satchwell, C. (2008). English degrees in Further Education Colleges: what are the issues?. English Subject Centre Newsletter, Higher Education Academy, October, Issue 15.
- Satchwell, C. (2009). An interview with Ron Carter. Wordplay, Higher Education Academy, October, Issue 2.
- Satchwell, C. and Barton, D. (2009). Working and learning with people who are homeless: a practitioner guide, London, NRDC.
- Larner, S. (in preparation) Forensic Authorship Analysis and the World Wide Web, Basingstoke: Palgrave Pivot.
Journal Articles
- Archer, D. (2011). Cross-examining lawyers, facework and the adversarial courtroom. Journal of Pragmatics. 43(13): 3216-3230.
- Archer, D. (2011). Facework and im/politeness across legal contexts: an introduction. Journal of Politeness Research. 7(1): 1-19.
- Archer, D. (2011). Libelling Oscar Wilde: The Case of Regina vs. John Sholto Douglas. Journal of Politeness Research. 7(1): 73-99.
- Archer, D. (2006). (Re)initiating strategies: Judges and defendants in Early Modern English courtrooms. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 7 (2): 181-211.
- Archer, D. (2002) "Can innocent people be guilty?". A sociopragmatic analysis of examination transcripts from the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Journal of Historical Pragmatics. 3(1): 1-30.
- Hardaker, C. (2010). 'Trolling in asynchronous computer-mediated communication: From user discussions to theoretical concepts'. Journal of Politeness Research 6: 215-242.
- Prentice, S., Rayson, P. and Taylor, P. J. (2012). ‘The language of Islamic extremism: towards an automated identification of beliefs, motivations and justifications’. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 17 (2), 259-286.
- Prentice, S., Taylor, P. J. and Rayson, P. (2012). ‘Differentiating act from ideology: evidence from messages for and against violent extremism’. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 5(3), 289-306.
- Prentice, S., Taylor, P. J., Rayson, P., Hoskins, A. and O'Loughlin, B. (2011). ‘Analyzing the semantic content and persuasive composition of extremist media: A case study of texts produced during the Gaza conflict’. Information System Frontiers, 13(1), 61-73.
Chapters in Edited Collections
- Archer, D. (in press). Tracing (and tagging!) language features in the historical English courtroom (1649-1856). In: Poppi, F. and Cheng, W. (eds.). The three waves of globalization: winds of change in Professional, Institutional and Academic Genres. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Archer, D. (2013). Tracing the crime narratives within the Palmer Trial (1856): From the lawyer’s opening speeches to the judge’s summing up. In: Heffer, C., Rock, F. and Conley, J. (eds.). Legal-Lay Communication: Textual Travels in the Legal Process. Oxford University Press, pp.168-85.
- Archer, D. (2012). ‘Assessing Garrow’s aggressive questioning style’. In: Mazzon, G. (ed.). English Historical Dialogue Studies. Milano: FrancoAngeli, pp.301-320.
- Archer, D. (2010). A diachronic investigation of English Courtroom Practice. In: Coulthard, M. and Johnson, A. (eds.). A Handbook of Forensic Linguistics. Routledge, pp.185-198.
- Archer, D. (2008). Verbal aggression and impoliteness: related or synonymous? In Bousfield, D. and Locher, M. (eds.) Impoliteness in language. Language, Power and Social Processes Series. Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 181-207.
- Archer, D (2007). Developing a more detailed picture of the Early Modern English courtroom: Data and methodological issues facing historical pragmatics. In Fitzmaurice, S.M. and. Taavitsainen, I. (eds.) Methods in Historical Pragmatics. Recovering speaker meaning and reader inference. Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 185-218.
- Archer, D. (2006). Tracing the development of “advocacy” in two nineteenth century English trials. In Dossena, M. and Taavitsainen, I. (eds.) Diachronic Perspectives on Domain-Specific English. Bern: Peter Lang; Linguistic Insights series, pp.41-68.
- Taylor, P. J., Larner, S., Conchie, S. M., and Van der Zee, S. (forthcoming, 2013). Cross-cultural deception detection. In P. A. Granhag, A. Vrij, & B. Verschuere (eds.). Deception detection: Current challenges and new approaches. London: Wiley.
- Tomblin, S. (2012). Coulthard, Malcolm. In: Chapelle, C.A. (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Conference Proceedings
- Tomblin, S. (2012). Investigating Formulaic Language as a Marker of Authorship. In: Tomblin, S., Coulthard, M., MacLeod, N., & Sousa-Silva, R. (eds.). Proceedings of The International Association of Forensic Linguists’ Tenth Biennial Conference [e-book]
- Tomblin, S., Coulthard, M., MacLeod, N., & Sousa-Silva, R. (Eds) (2012). Proceedings of The International Association of Forensic Linguists’ Tenth Biennial Conference [e-book]
Theme Issues / Special Editions
- Archer, D. and J. Luchjenbroer (eds.) (2011). Facework and im/politeness across legal contexts. Journal of Politeness Research. Language, behaviour, culture. 7(1). Mouton de Gruyter.
- Archer, D. and Grundy, P. (2011) Pragmatics Reader. Routledge.
- Archer, D., K. Aijmer, and Wichmann, A. (2012). Pragmatics: An Advanced Resource Book. Routledge.
Journal Articles
- Archer, D. (2013). Historical Pragmatics: Evidence From the Old Bailey. Transactions of the Philological Society: 1-19.
- Dehé, A. and Wichmann, A. (2010). Sentence-initial I think (that) and I believe (that): Prosodic evidence for use as main clause, comment clause and discourse marker. Studies in Language 34 (1) 36-74.
- Dehé, A. and Wichmann, A. (2010). The multifunctionality of epistemic parentheticals in discourse: prosodic cues to the semantic-pragmatic boundary. Functions of Language 17 (1) 1-28.
- Halenko, N. and Jones, C.. (2011). Teaching pragmatic awareness of spoken requests to Chinese EAP learners in the UK: Is explicit instruction effective? System 39(2): 240-250.
Chapters in Edited Collections
- Archer, D. (2010). The History of Speech Acts. In: Jucker, A.H. and Taavitsainen, I. (eds.). Handbook of Historical Pragmatics. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp.379-418.
- Culpeper, J. and Archer, D. (2008). 'Requests and directness in Early Modern English trial proceedings and play-texts, 1640-1760'. In: Jucker, A.H. and Taavitsainen, I. (eds). Speech Acts in the History of English. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 45-84.
- Jones, C. (2010). Spoken Discourse Markers: What Are They and Why Teach Them? In: Mader, J. and Urkun, Z. (eds.). Recent Approaches to Teaching and Assessing Speaking. Selected Articles by the Presenters of the IATEFL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Special Interest Group Conference in Famagusta, Cyprus 23—24 October 2009 , pp. 84-89. Canterbury: IATEFL.
- Wichmann, A. (2012) Prosody in context: the effect of sequential relationships between speaker turns. In: Elordieta, G. and Prieto, P. (eds.). Prosody and Meaning. Mouton.
- Wichmann, A. (2011). Grammaticalisation and Prosody. In Narrog, H. and Heine, B. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalisation OUP 331-341.
- Wichmann, A. (2011) Prosody and Pragmatic Effects. In: Aijmer, K. and Anderson, G. (eds.). Pragmatics of Society (HoPs 5) De Gruyter, Berlin. Pp181-213.
- Wichmann A, Simon-Vandenbergen, A-M. and Aijmer, K. (2010). How prosody reflects semantic change: a synchronic case study of of course. In: Cuyckens, H., Davidse, K. and Vandelanotte, L. (eds.). Subjectification, intersubjectification and grammaticalization. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (series: Topics in English Linguistics), 103-154
Conference Proceedings
- Halenko, N. (2013). Using computer-animation to assess and improve spoken language skills. Pixel International 6th ICT for Language Learning conference proceedings. Florence, Italy. Libreria Universitaria, pp286-290.
- Llewellyn-Jones, P. and Lee, R.G. (in preparation). Defining the Role of Community Interpreters: The Concept of Role-Space, Continuum Press.
- Winston, E. and Lee, R.G. (eds.). (2013). Mentorship in Sign Language Interpreting. Alexandria, VA: RID Press.
Journal Articles
- Llewellyn-Jones, P. and Lee, R.G. (2013). Getting to the core of role: Defining the role-space of interpreters. International Journal of Interpreter Education, 5(2), 54-72.Pp. 54-72.
Chapters in Edited Collections
- Neidle, C. and Lee, R.G. (2008). Well “WHAT” is it? The Discovery of a Particle in ASL. In: Lindgren, K. DeLuca, D. and Napoli, D.J. (eds.). Signs and Voices, Gallaudet University Press.
Conference Proceedings
- Lee, R.G. and Llewellyn-Jones, P. (2011). ‘Rolle’ die zweite: Plädoyer fűr eine multidimensional Analyse des Doltmetscherverhaltens, Das Zeichen Nmr. 88. [German translation of ‘Re-visiting Role: Arguing for a multi-dimensional analysis of interpreter behavior’.]
- Llewellyn-Jones, P. and Lee, R.G. (2011). Die ‘Rolle’ des Community/Public Service-Doltmetschers, Das Zeichen Nmr. 88. [German translation of ‘The Role of the Community/Public Service Interpreter’]
Journal Articles
- Börjars, K. and Harries, P. (2008). “The Clitic-Affix Distinction, Historical Change and Scandinavian Bound Definiteness Marking”. Journal of Germanic Linguistics: 289-350.
- Börjars, K., Harries, P. and Vincent, N. (forthcoming 2013). Grammaticalising by Growing Syntactic Structure: the history of North Germanic nominal morphosyntax.
- Jeon, H.-S. and Nolan, F. (2013). The role of pitch and timing cues in the perception of phrasal grouping in Seoul Korean, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133(5), 3039–3049
- Nolan, F. and Jeon, H.-S. (submitted). Speech rhythm: a metaphor?, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Communicative Rhythms in Brain and Behaviour
Conference Proceedings
- Jeon, H.-S. and Nolan, F. (2010) Segmentation of the Accentual Phrase in Seoul Korean, Speech Prosody 2010, 100023:1–4,May 2010, Chicago, USA
- Jeon, H.-S. .(2010) A phonetic study on phrasing in Seoul Korean, Selected Papers from the 2nd European Conference on Korean Linguistics, pp. 88–101, Yeon, J. & Kiaer, J. (eds.). München: Lincom Europa
Workshop on Corpus Analysis with Noise in the Signal (CANS), as part of Lancaster University’s CL2013 (July 2013) (Archer, with Baron and Rayson [Lancaster]).
Panel on Discourse and Argumentation at the 8th Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference (July 2013, Vienna) (Fairclough).
- Archer. Invited plenary speaker. 1st Poznań Historical Sociopragmatics Symposium: ‘Context and Historical Pragmatics 20 years on’. Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, May 15th 2014; followed by series of master classes (16th, 19th and 20th May 2014).
- Fairclough. Invited Lecture and Workshop, ‘Political Imaginaries and Strategies for Action: the Big Society’, University of Naples, 17 December 2013.
- Fairclough. Invited Lectures and workshop in Argumentation Theory and CDA on the Doctoral Programme at the University of Tampere, Finland, 30 October-1 November 2013.
- Fairclough. Invited Lectures and workshop in Argumentation Theory and CDA on the Doctoral Programme at the University of Helsinki, Finland, 28-29 October 2013.
- Wichmann. Invited Lecturer. 4th Brazilian Colloquium on Speech Prosody: 4-day course on ‘Discourse Prosody’. Maceio, Brazil, October 2013.
- Archer. Invited keynote speaker. I’WoDA’13 – Second International Workshop on Discourse Analysis: ‘Introducing Wmatrix3’ and ‘Discourse Analysis: Exploring Data with Wmatrix’. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 19th-21st June 2013.
- Jones (H). Invited speaker. Scientific Advances in Creative Writing and Literary Reading Research Workshop (CWLRR): ‘In Search of a Memorial: An Exercise in Navigation. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 22nd-24th May 2013.
Fairclough. Invited keynote speaker. The Discourse of Austerity: Critical analyses of business and economics across disciplines: ‘The 2010 Austerity Now debate in the UK. Grounding normative and explanatory critique in evaluation of practical argumentation’. Newcastle University, 3-4 September 2013.
Archer. Invited plenary speaker. i-mean 'Language and Identity' conference at UWE, Bristol, 18-20 April 2013.
Fairclough. Guest Speaker. Research Seminar Series: ‘Political Imaginaries and Strategies for Action: the Big Society’. University of Hull, 11 April 2013.
- Isabella Fairclough
- Hae-Sung Jeon
- Nicola Halenko
- Pauline Harries
- Angela Kilpatrick
- Mark Orme
- Candice Satchwell
- Daniel Waller
- Jun Hui Yang
Maritime Security and Piracy (1/06/13-4/08/13, Prentice, with CASS (Lancaster University))
Expanding the Lexicon of an Automated Semantic Tagger (31/03/13-31/05/13, Prentice, with UCREL (Lancaster University))
F2H: Transition from FE to HE in English Studies. Higher Education Academy/Discipline-focused Learning Technology Enhancement Academy project (Jan 2010 – Dec 2010, Satchwell, with Blackpool & The Fylde College)
SAL: ‘Society and Lifestyles: Towards Enhancing Social Harmonization through Knowledge of Subcultural Communities’, (EU-funded FP6 project 1/01/2006–30/12/2008, Foxlee, with 15 partner institutions in 10 countries).