Games and Gaming
Research Centre for Digital Life
This group brings together games developers and games designers but also those concerned with research into the design of game situations and the design of games for learning and for facilitating change.

- Serious games design,
- evaluation of serious games,
- designing fun into games,
- 3D games experiences,
- games for physical activity
- Obikiwelu, C., Read, J.C. & Sim, G. (2012) “The Scaffolding Mechanism in Serious Games.” FnG 2012 Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges when Designing and Developing Games with/for Kids. Toulouse
- Busque, S.S., Sim, G. & Read, J.C. (2010) “Designing a mobile application for teenagers to instruct in science careers” IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning, Porto.
- Obikiwelu, C., Read, J.C. & Sim, G. (2012) “The Serious Game Approach to Problem-Based Learning for the Dependent Learner.” Mechanism in Serious Games.” 6th European Conference on Game Based Learning. Cork.
- Sim, G., Taylor, K. & Holt, N. (2006) "Development of a multimedia cognitive behaviour programme for young offenders " World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Orlando.
- Professor Janet Read
- Dr Gavin Sim
- Dr Dan Fitton
To find out more contact Dr Martin Bateman on
- Child Computer Interaction
- Human Computer Interaction and Information systems