UK Healthy Universities Network

Healthy and Sustainable Settings Unit

The UK Healthy Universities Network was formed in 2006 in response to growing demand from HEIs interested in developing and implementing this whole university approach.

Convened by the Healthy & Sustainable Settings Unit at the University of Central Lancashire, it was significantly strengthened through the HEFCE-funded project Developing Leadership and Governance for Healthy Universities.

It now has a membership of more than 76 UK HEIs – with members representing a diversity of staffing groups – including student services, sports, human resources and academic departments. Additionally, it has as associate members 23 HEIs from outside the UK and 28 other bodies.

Project Lead

  • Mark Dooris

Project Staff

  • Alan Farrier
  • Charlotte Smith

Collaborators and Partners

  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Advance HE
  • Universities UK
  • National Union of Students
  • NHS Health Scotland
  • Public Health Agency for Northern Ireland
  • Public Health England
  • Public Health Wales
  • Office for Students
  • Scottish Funding Council
  • Higher Education Funding Council for Wales

Clients or Funders

HEFCE (2009-2012) UCLan and Manchester Metropolitan University (2012-)

Public Outputs

Healthy Universities Website

Healthy Universities Toolkit

Dooris, M., Farrier, A., Powell, S. and Holt, M. (2019) Whole system approaches to health in higher education: an evaluation of the UK Healthy Universities Network. Health Education, 119 (4). pp. 246-258.

Dooris, M., Farrier, A., Doherty, S., Holt, M., Monk, R. and Powell, S. (2018) The UK Healthy Universities Self Review Tool: Whole System Impact. Health Promotion International, 33 (3). pp. 448-457.

