Entry requirements
Please note the requirements below are indicative only
Diploma of Technician/Technical Diploma (after 2 years of study with GPA 50-59.99% (Pass)
1 year of recognised Iraqi university study with GPA of 50-59.99% (Pass).
Minimum English language requirements
Standard English language entry requirements – IELTS 6 or equivalent.
How to apply
We welcome applications from all international students. For information and forms for undergraduate and postgraduate applications, please visit our how to apply section for international students.
Contact us
If you would like further detailed information about the University of Central Lancashire's activities in Iraq please contact the country manager:
Hope Kneale-Kaye, Regional Manager
Telephone: +44 (0) 1772 892425
Email: HNKneale-Kaye1@uclan.ac.uk