Collaborate with academic staff and a doctoral candidate on a three-year research project aligned to the needs of your organisation.
A diverse range of companies are participating in the scheme including:
- British Geological Survey
- Delta Fire Engineering
- EDF Energy
- PlatoScience Aps
- Paladin National Stalking Service
- Posture Care Ltd
- Rinicare Ltd
Benefits of collaborating with the DTC
- Research proposals are created with academic staff at UCLan, resulting in original and innovative outcomes that will benefit your organisation.
- You'll have a full-time PhD student dedicated to the project for 3 years. You'll also have the support of academic expertise from the University.
- Our legal team will ensure appropriate contracts are produced to protect any intellectual properties that the partner organisation has or is generated from the PhD.
- Our students may be expected to spend a proportion of their studies within your organisation on placement.
What's expected of you
Organisations are expected to contribute to the success of any project in terms of time, financial support, and access to resources. This includes research facilities, data, participants, or professional networks.
Contact us
Please contact us to find out more about how a PhD student could potentially benefit your organisation.
PhD studentship opportunities are advertised on our Postgraduate research page. The opportunities are advertised each Spring for a September start, with a fixed number of places available. There is the possibility for flexibility in start dates should organisations be able to offer significant financial contributions towards the costs of the PhD.
We recommend that prospective students contact the relevant member of staff to discuss their application before submitting a formal application.
Alternatively, we may be able to offer support on shorter projects through a Masters by Research or through Knowledge Transfer Partnership funds.