IP and Commercialisation

Develop your business

Is your business looking to partner with us to create commercial opportunities to licence and develop intellectual property (IP)?

Our portfolio of IP may be beneficial to your company to license, we are happy to discuss this with you further. Our IP covers a wide range of categories, including: Biomedical Sciences, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Forensic Sciences, Nuclear Sciences, Materials and Nano-Materials Technologies, Tribology Technologies, Pharmacy and 3D Printing Technologies. Please contact us to find out more.

Intellectual Property Portal

The Intellectual Property & Commercialisation team have produced and maintain the IP portal which provides more details relating to the IP which is available for license. We have a vibrant research culture and there are a growing number of opportunities for businesses to engage, collaborate and license our intellectual property.

Access the portal

Investment Readiness

The Investment Readiness project supports Lancashire SMEs in becoming ready for investment.

Find out more about investment

Health Matters

The Lancashire Health Matters programme is a partnership between UCLan and the NHS Innovation Agency. We provide SMEs in Lancashire who have created new approaches, practices or products with the support needed to help them gain access to the NHS and social care markets.

Visit our Health Matters page


The Medical Innovation and Commercialisation Accelerator Programme (MedIComm) is a unique programme in partnership with UCLan and four Lancashire NHS trusts.

Find out more about MedIComm

Research and Knowledge Exchange Policies

The Spin-Out Process

The University of Central Lancashire has adopted recommendations from the Government’s independent review of university spin-out companies in relation to its spin-out process.

University founding equity and spin-out terms are aligned with and guided by best-practice as provided by the TenU USIT Guide and USIT Software Guide.

Founders are encouraged to adopt amongst themselves proportionate equity distribution that both recognises the contributions to originating IP and continued intellectual support, but also the need to reward and incentivise those individuals who will commit considerable effort in taking the company forward. Furthermore, income received by the University from licensing IP (royalties and other licensing fees) will be distributed according to the revenue-sharing terms stated in our IP policy.

The University aims to achieve within a time frame of three months from approval of a business case for spin-out creation the provision of an initial draft of legal terms.

Read our policies: