From language learner to language teacher with TESOL

Andreea Diaconescu's experience of moving to England led her to pursue a career in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), a career that she is passionate about.

When she first moved to England in 2014, Andreea, and her family, spoke little to no English. The transition was daunting for her, but she found her English support classes to be a great help in starting her new life in the UK. After experiencing first-hand how much her classes helped her in her day-to-day life, to make friends and find study, she knew that she wanted a career in a similar field.

Studying TESOL at the University of Central Lancashire, UCLan, has equipped Andreea with the skills and abilities that she needs to excel in her career in teaching English. Andreea has found that what truly sets TESOL at UCLan apart is its emphasis on practical experience, providing opportunities for students to engage with real learners in classroom settings.

"Teacher Andy" (Andreea Diaconescu teaching online)
"Teacher Andy" (Andreea Diaconescu teaching online)

"Alongside learning the theory of what makes a good teacher, we get to practise those skills in real life scenarios, serving as great practice for anyone looking to have a career within the teaching field."

Andreea Diaconescu - BA(Hons) TESOL with Korean

Through these immersive experiences, Andreea not only developed her teaching abilities but also cultivated essential employability skills such as public speaking, teamwork, and confidence-building and she has fallen in love with teaching.

The TESOL department at UCLan actively supports students in securing practical teaching opportunities. Because of this support Andreea landed a part-time online teaching job, teaching English to primary school children in Poland. At first Andreea was a little nervous but her role as 'Teacher Andy' has really boosted her self-confidence and is now her favourite part of the week!

In May 2022, at the end of her second year at university, Andreea gained her TrinityCert TESOL certificate. This has opened doors to global opportunities for her and during her exchange year in Seoul, South Korea, she applied for an online English tutoring job. Andreea got the job immediately which she attributes to her extra qualification, the TrinityCert TESOL.

Looking ahead, Andreea is eagerly anticipating her role as a teacher at BEDE's summer school this year and has a bright future filled with global opportunities with a career in TESOL!

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Andreea's year abroad in South Korea01 / 05

Nami island in Gangwon Province
Nami island in Gangwon Province