Healthy Prisons Programme - North West Region

Prisons and Probation

This regional programme was established to build on the early work of the North West Healthy Settings Programme.

In addition to developing prison/offender management-specific regional infrastructures and providing resources, it conducted a baseline audit of health promotion within North West prisons, researched and assessed needs and carried out specific action-focused research on particular issues such as sexual health, tobacco control and mental well-being.

Lead Investigator

Dr Mark Dooris

Project Staff

Michelle Baybutt


North West prisons

North West Prisons Area Office

Funding Organisation

Department of Health (North West) / North West Prison Area Office, £66,000



Public Outputs

Baybutt, M., Hayton, P. and Dooris, M. (2006) Prisons in England and Wales: an important public health opportunity?

Chapter in J. Douglas, S. Earle, S., S. Handsley, C. Lloyd & S. Spurr (Eds.) A Reader in Promoting Public Health: Challenge and Controversy. London: Sage/Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Case study within: Dooris, M. & Hunter, D. (2007) Organisations and settings for promoting public health.

Chapter in C. Lloyd, S. Handsley, J.Douglas, S. Earle & S. Spurr (Eds.) Policy and Practice in Promoting Public Health. London: Sage/Milton Keynes: Open University.

Papers and workshops presented at UK Public Health Association and International Union of Health Promotion and Education Conferences, 2004-07.