Reoffending Data Analysis

Centre for Criminal Justice Research and Partnerships

The aim of the Reoffending Data Analysis study is to establish greater clarity regarding the patterns and key factors affecting differences between actual and predicted reoffending rates within Lancashire Probation Trust (LPT).

This will enable LPT to evaluate the success of interventions and provide a wider understanding of the static factors (e.g. age, gender etc.) and their impact on reoffending.

The analysis will include comparison of reoffending rates by various pre-defined subgroups and the integration of the reoffending rates with information obtained from the Offender Assessment System (OASyS).

Lead Investigator

Prof Mark Dooris

Project Staff

Dr Chris Sutton

Michelle Baybutt


Lancashire Probation Trust

Funding Organisation

Lancashire Probation Trust, £5,000

Public Outputs

None as yet

