Health and safety information for contractors
We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our colleagues, learners, visitors and contractors. However brief your visit to our campus might be, we want to ensure your time with us is a safe one.

UCLan needs to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees, learners and the public are not adversely affected by maintenance and contractor activities.
The University has a duty of care to ensure all contractors on-site are sufficiently protected and they are aware of their duties to abide by their own risk assessments and method statements.
The core business of the University is teaching and it is therefore essential that lectures, seminars and exams are not disturbed by contractor works.
If work could become a nuisance to others, contractors are asked to report it to estate services immediately for further guidance.
IT acceptable use policy
The use of UCLan’s IT facilities implies that the user accepts the rules for the use of IT facilities. This policy can be viewed on our student contract page, in the relevant academic year and under the heading library, IT and facilities.
Health and safety is everyone's responsibility
For further information, please contact our SHE Department:
Fire safety
- Immediately operate the fire alarm call point.
- From a place of safety dial 333 or use an emergency telephone (red/green) to inform security of the location of the fire. From an external line, dial 01772 896333.
- Evacuate to the assembly point which is noted on the blue fire procedure notices displayed on means of escape.
- The Safe Zone App can also be used to notify security of an emergency situation.
- Evacuation chairs are available within buildings to assist the evacuation of mobility-impaired people. Details of their location are posted within buildings. The fire alarms are tested on a weekly basis and signs detailing the day and time are displayed at building entrances. During such tests, the alarms should sound for no longer than 30 seconds.
- Leave the building by the nearest available exit, closing windows and doors behind you
- To assist in a safe evacuation, please try to ensure that your work area is clear as you leave
- Do not stop to collect personal belongings
- Evacuate to your nearest assembly point
- Follow any instruction you are given by the Fire Marshals
- Do not re-enter the building and do not attempt to use lifts
- Means of escape are not obstructed
- Fire doors are not wedged open
- Extinguishers are not moved from their locations
- Fire detectors are not covered or bagged in any way, unless this has been agreed
- Dry risers, fire hydrants and other firefighting equipment is not used for any purpose other than which it’s intended
Fire assembly points for our Preston Campus are displayed on this map.
First aid
A first aider can be summoned by dialling one of the following numbers:
- 333 – University emergency number
- +44 (0)1772 896333 – from a mobile phone
- +44 (0)1772 892068 – to contact security
Contractors should ensure they have the appropriate first aid arrangements in place prior to any works commencing at UCLan. This would include access to a qualified first aider and to the appropriate first aid equipment. In instances where this isn’t possible, the host should be informed prior to works beginning and other suitable arrangements made which may include shared first aid arrangements with the University.
Accidents, incidents & near misses
All incidents must be reported, even if you do not sustain a personal injury or it is a near miss incident. These should be reported by the person responsible for the area you are visiting via
Contractors working at UCLan may have their own reporting procedures as set out by their employer. However, they should still inform us of any accident, incident or near miss using the above methods.
Please take care when moving around campus. Ensure that you stick to the speed limits, park sensibly and be mindful of pedestrians and cyclists.
Parking at the university is limited. Parking permits can be obtained from estates services. Contractors are encouraged to minimise the number of vehicles they bring to site and use alternative transport methods if possible.
Parking on pavements causing an obstruction is strictly forbidden. Inappropriate parking on-site will not be tolerated and security will take action if the system is abused.
Contractors can use university welfare facilities, providing they are used respectfully. Campus refectories and food outlets are clean wear zones. All muddy and soiled clothing must be removed, and contractors must be considerate to other users.
Any abuse of the University buildings, staff or students will not be tolerated.
If your work involves higher-risk activities such as working at height, electrical work, hot work, etc., then you may be required to obtain a permit to work from estates services. To ensure permits are issued appropriately, discuss the health and safety aspects of your work with your contact person within estates services: 01772 892888.
Please stay vigilant while working on-site and ensure all risks are controlled so far as is reasonably practicable. Any concerns or issues must be reported to your host immediately.
- Working at heights
- Confined space
- Hot work
- Isolations
- Excavation and breaking in
- Asbestos
Before any work commences, the following documentation must be present and approved by the university:
- Liability Insurances
- Risk Assessment & Method Statement
- Additional Training Documents where necessary (eg working at heights)
- Additional Licences where necessary (eg IPAF or ECS)
- Evidence that the UCLan Contractor Induction has been completed
Contractors must report to their host on arrival. This is to confirm that the contractor and any relevant documentation is in place, so work can commence.
Contractors must wear workwear showing their company logo and their UCLan visitor's lanyard whilst working on site.
It is the contractor’s duty to ensure their work areas are suitably barriered off and signposted. The scope of this will be outlined with the host before work commences.
All keys must be returned before you leave campus, even if you are on-site for multiple days. Contractors issued with keys must ensure unauthorised people do not access the area.
Contractors will be expected to follow relevant methods or safe systems of work. You should advise Estates Services if your work is likely to disturb any hidden services.
Contractors and their employees must familiarise themselves with actions to be taken in the event of a fire including how to raise the alarm, location of the nearest alarm break glass, means of escape from their work area and the location of the fire fighting equipment and the fire assembly point.
Out-of-hours work can only take place with prior authorisation by the UCLan host. Campus security must be informed to aid with access. At this point, all relevant permits will be completed and, if required, contractors will be shown their area of work.
All contractors are expected to report any defective plant, unsafe practices or unsafe methods of work to estates services.
When working with tools on-site, ensure you are only using that which you have been trained to use safely. Utilise all guards and safety devices fitted to equipment provided for you where necessary.
UCLan is an open campus. There may be occasions where members of staff and students will be in close proximity to you:
- Do not leave tools laying around your work area and clear away prior to taking any breaks.
- If working with power tools, where applicable, low voltage or battery operated tools should always be prioritised over higher voltage tools.
- Wired power tools should not create trip hazards.
- Ensure the appropriate barriers are in place when necessary.
Remember, to adhere to the provision and use of work equipment regulations, work tools must be:
- Suitable for the intended use
- Regularly inspected and maintained
- Operated only by those authorised and trained
- Accompanied by suitable safety measures
Use of any large mobile plant such as forklift trucks or scissor lifts must be fully communicated to estates prior to work commencement. This would include a detailed risk assessment and method statement
Before any work begins, the host will check the asbestos register and advise accordingly. Asbestos surveys are available from estates services which will show locations of asbestos across campus.
Any questionable material uncovered when working should be treated as asbestos and work must cease. The site supervisor and project officer should be made aware of this immediately.
Contractors must not disturb any material that is known or thought to contain asbestos.
Contractors are responsible for the delivery and storage of materials to their work area. These must not be delivered to university stores or reception areas.
Any environmentally hazardous materials need to be delivered, stored, used and disposed of in a controlled manner.
Such materials must be transported and stored in appropriately sized bunds/drip trays.
Hazardous material must not be left unattended or insecure.
Contractors are also responsible for the disposal of their waste. University bins or skips must not be used.
When wet chemicals are used, the process to control chemical spillages must be outlined within the risk assessment and method statement.
UCLan operates a total ban on vaping and smoking throughout the University’s buildings and prohibited areas as indicated directly outside of buildings.
Contractors must ensure their work area is kept as tidy as possible throughout the duration of the works and that it is cleaned up and left in a safe condition on completion.
It is important to remember, contractors are representing UCLan as well as their own company. It is our expectation that contractors, behave courteously, respectfully and adhere to the university’s key values.
On completion of work, contractors must report to their host to sign off all relevant documents.
Any permits to work must be signed off by the host and responsible person before the job/site can be handed over. In handing over the work area, you are confirming that the area has been left safe and tidy in accordance with agreed procedures.
Familiarise yourself with our campus map.
Safety signage
Whilst you are on campus it is important that you are aware of the different types of safety signs.
Examples of safety signage01 / 04

UCLan aims to create an environment in which all members of the University community, including those under the age of 18 and adults at risk, are safe from harm and all forms of prejudice, harassment, discrimination and bullying.
In keeping with our values, we believe that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. It is therefore essential that everybody in the University understands their safeguarding responsibilities, including contractors.
We ask that contractors act on any safeguarding concerns in line with UCLan’s safeguarding and Prevent policy and procedure, which is available on our safeguarding page.
We manage our responsibilities under the Prevent duty, one of the key pillars of the counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST, as part of our wider approach to safeguarding.
Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a legal duty on “specified authorities”, which includes universities, to have“ due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.”
The University is committed to support all members of the UCLan community and recognises that its duty to prevent anyone at risk from being drawn into terrorism is no different to supporting individuals with any other type of safeguarding or welfare need.
We recognise the impact experiences of harassment, sexual misconduct or domestic violence can have. We believe that all members of the University community have a collective responsibility for creating and sustaining a safe environment. UCLan will not tolerate any form of inappropriate or harmful behaviour.
If you experience or witness behaviour that is concerning, you can report to one of our principal and operational safeguarding leads. Alternatively, you can report it via UCLan’s Report + Support website, which also provides the option of anonymous reporting.
During your visit, if you have a safeguarding concern, please pass it on to one of our principal or operational safeguarding leads. You can do this by calling 01772 893020 or emailing Alternatively, you can complete our online safeguarding concern referral which is available on our safeguarding webpage.
In an emergency where someone is at risk of immediate harm, please call 999. Then report to one of our operational or principal safeguarding leads.
Advice for contractors
- Familiarise yourself with, and follow, the University’s safeguarding policy. This is available on our safeguarding page.
- Report any safeguarding concerns to the University’s safeguarding leads.
- Be aware of signs of abuse, harm, bullying and harassment, and share concerns appropriately.
- Treat all staff, students, colleagues and other visitors, volunteers or contractors with respect and dignity.
- Only use work contact details.
SHE Department: +44 (0)1772 892067
Security +44 (0)1772 892068
Emergencies 333 (Internal)
Emergencies +44 (0)1772 896333
Switchboard 0 (Internal)
Switchboard +44 (0)1772 201201
Estates Helpdesk +44 (0)1772 892888
Any emergency where you require the police, an ambulance or security, please dial 333 from any internal telephone or +44 (0)1772 896333 from a mobile and state the nature of the emergency so that the University may respond appropriately. In an emergency where there is immediate risk, please contact 999.
All other safeguarding concerns
For safeguarding queries, support or advice, you can email the operational or principal safeguarding leads or call +44 (0)1772 893020. Any member of the UCLan community can report a concern using Report + Support.
All contractors can also report any concerns using the University Report + Support service. This site allows contractors to report a concern anonymously or by providing contact details so that support can be offered. The site also contains lots of useful information on various wellbeing and safeguarding-related matters.
Outside of normal working hours, please contact Security on 01772 892068