BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy student, Sana, explains how she travels from Blackburn to Preston on bus.
When my uni place was confirmed, I always knew I was going to commute rather than live on campus due to my personal circumstances. I travel from Blackburn to Preston on the bus and it takes me about 40 minutes to get to campus each day. Perhaps you’re thinking how can I make commuting work for me or will I get the full uni experience? Here are some of my thoughts on commuting life from my experience so far…
Getting the best deal on public transport
I travel on Stagecoach Bus each day and my Day Rider ticket enables me to take however many buses I need specifically in central Lancashire. Certain passes/tickets will let you travel further but I just take the bus to uni and back. As I’m 18, at the moment it works out cheaper for me to buy a Day Rider ticket but when I turn 19, I am considering buying a term pass as it will work out cheaper for me in the long run. Before you start, look at what student deals are available to see if you can get a discounted rate on passes. For me, trains were not an option but if you plan on commuting by train, you can get money off your tickets with the likes of Railcard.
Making friends
Sometimes people who commute think they won’t have the same university experience as someone who’s living in Halls, but this is absolutely not the case! On my course, there are many people who commute in so it’s not uncommon. On the bus, I often see other students who are travelling to and from campus, so I’ve even got talking to them and striking up friendships. I have gone out for meals with my university friends, as well as joined societies through the Students’ Union such as the Islamic Society. It’s just a case of making plans and managing time to fit around public transport, which I’ve found quite easy with a little thought. Please don’t think that commuting gets in the way of making friends and getting involved in university life – I am proof that it really doesn’t!

It’s built my confidence
I have gained a lot of confidence since I started commuting to uni. It’s enabled me to stand on my own two feet and explore a little bit more outside of my comfort zone, without being reliant on my family, particularly my parents. Commuting has allowed me to take time for myself and make some friends in the process. Sometimes when you’re waiting for buses in the cold it’s not exactly the most pleasant experience, but you get used to it quickly.
For those considering commuting, I would suggest looking around at options that are convenient and suit your needs. Is it easier for you to travel by bus or train? Will you be able to get a car parking space if you drive in? How long do you need in a morning to get to lectures on time (accounting for delays)? Make sure you’re aware of peak traffic times and have support in place if for example, you’re a parent / carer or if you have work priorities.
Don’t let commuting put you off! It soon becomes a part of your daily routine and you can still immerse yourself into university life.