Currently, Rebecca divides her time between working for us as a veterinary education lecturer, and working in clinical production animal medicine and surgery at a practice in the Lake District. She also provides tutoring for international students who need support with veterinary communication skills and passing their RCVS exams.
Rebecca graduated in veterinary medicine and surgery from the University of Cambridge, after also completing an intercalated degree in cognitive neuroscience. She completed a Junior Production Animal Scholarship at Cambridge, the year following graduation. She has worked as a production animal vet since then in practices based in the North of England. In her spare time, she is a call handler for the Farming Community Network.
In 2021, she organised the Lake District Farm Academy. This was a week of practical education for students around the country who had been affected by the disruption to their education as a result of Covid-19. This was featured as a double page spread in the vet record.