Healthy Universities: National Research and Development Project

Healthy and Sustainable Settings Unit

The aim of this National Research and Development Project, undertaken during 2008, was to scope and report on the potential for a national programme on Healthy Universities that could contribute to health, well-being and sustainable development.

The project comprised four strands:

  • Literature Review
  • HEI-level research using web-based and email questionnaires
  • National-level stakeholder research using individual and small group semi-structured interviews
  • Joint action planning and reporting, informed by an interactive data validation workshop. The project comprised four strands:

The final report concluded that there is a clear demand for national-level stakeholder organisations to demonstrate leadership through championing and resourcing a Healthy Universities Programme that not only adds value within the higher education sector, but also helps build consistency of approach across the entire spectrum of education.


Lead investigator:

  • Prof. Mark Dooris

Project Staff

  • Sharon Doherty