HCI and Information systems
This group researches Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in its broadest sense: looking at how technology can be improved by understanding how people use it and how it shapes what they do at the individual, group and organisational level.

We particularly focus on evaluation and development methods. Recent work includes research on user experience and usability pertaining to learning materials and eHealth, and the refinement of evaluation methods within HCI. Other themes include designing for accessibility, participatory design, and agile software development methods in organisations.
- Human Computer Interaction
- Evaluation
- Accessibility
- eHealth
- Agile methods
- Novel HCI evaluation methods
- eHealth evaluation with implications for practice
- Research-led collaborative work with industrial partners on agile methods
- Innovation through participatory design
Hanif, F., Read, J. C., Clancy, M. J. (2011) A snapshot of renal transplant patients using medical web Browsing. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation
Silva, P. A. and J. C. Read (2010). A methodology to evaluate creative design methods: a study with the BadIdeas method. OZCHI'10, ACM Press.
Sim, G. and J. C. Read (2010). The Damage Index: An aggregation tool for usability problem prioritisation BCS-HCI'10, Dundee, Scotland, BCS.
Hanif, F., Read, J, C., Gibbs, P., (2009), The Internet as a Tool for patient centred care in Transplantation, Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, Volume 17 (4)
Sim, G., Read, J.C., Cockton, G., (2009) Evidence Based Design of Heuristics for Computer Assisted Assessment. INTERACT (1) 2009: 204-216
Hanif, F., Kumar, A., Willcocks, L., Jolly, E,. Jameson, C., Neville, V., Raaj, K., Goodacre, J. A., Read, J. C., Chaudhry, A., Gibbs, P. (2007) The quality of information about kidney transplantation on the World Wide Web, Clinical Transplantation, Volume 21(3), May/June 2007 , pp. 371-376(6)
MacKenzie, I. S. and J. C. Read (2007). Using paper Mockups for Evaluating Soft Keyboard Layouts. CASCON 2007, Toronto, CA, IBM Canada Ltd.
Sim, G., J. C. Read and P. Holifield (2006a). Evaluating the User Experience in CAA Environments, what affects user satisfaction. CAA 2006, Warwick, UK.
Sim, G., J. C. Read and P. Holifield (2006b). Using Heuristics to Evaluate a Computer Assisted Assessment Environment. Ed Media 2006, Florida, USA.
Gregory, P; Whittaker K.; Taylor, K. (2011) “Going Ape: Collaborative Technology for Families” Short paper at Digital Engagement, November 15-17 2011, Newcastle, UK
Flynn, D.J.; Gregory, P; Makki, H. and Gabbay, M (2009). “Expectations and experiences of eHealth in primary care: A qualitative practice-based investigation.” International Journal of Medical Informatics 78(9) pp588-604
RAISE 2013 – Researching Agile development of Information SystEms - annual conference
HCI2014 – the ChiCI group will host the annual British HCI conference in September 2014
- Professor Janet Read
- Dr Gavin Sim
- Dr Peggy Gregory
- Dr Brendan Cassidy
- Matt Horton
- Nicky Danino
To find out more contact Dr Peggy Gregory on ajgregory@uclan.ac.uk
- Child Computer Interaction
- Away from the Desktop systems
- Serious games
- DVice Project
- Note-Ed Project
- APE Project
- Agile Research Network