Nita Freire and Associate Professor Tim Ireland to deliver keynote addresses
'Education and Global Transitions' is the title of the second International Paulo Freire Conference organised by the Freire Institute and the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).
To be held at the University’s Cyprus Campus between 5-7 September 2017, the conference will welcome educators and practitioners from across the world to share ideas and experiences relating to international community education.
Nita Freire* and Associate Professor Tim Ireland* will deliver keynote addresses on the subject of Transformative Education in Practice.
Commenting on the conference UCLan’s Dr Ali Melling said: “Paulo Freire stated that the aim of education is radical transformation; transformation in our own personal lives, our community, our environment and indeed the whole of society. Through this conference we aim to create a small but significant platform where educators come together to debate all these issues.”
"Paulo Freire stated that the aim of education is radical transformation; transformation in our own personal lives, our community, our environment and indeed the whole of society."
In addition to the keynote speakers a wide range of sub themes and will be discussed including:
Education with Migrant and Transient Communities; Gender and Education; Popular Education Theory and Practice; Education and Development; Social Media, Technology and Culture; Inequality and the Commodification of Education.
Dr Melling added: “At no other time has Freire’s work been more pertinent. Latterly, the world has seen an unparalleled refugee crisis in Europe, with thousands of desperate families trying to escape the ravages of war in Syria, Africa, Libya and Iraq. As people flee terror, militant movements exploit the chaos to carry out atrocities in France, Egypt and Tunisia.
“While governments debate the nature of their military intervention, it is important to pause and think of how we can help the oppressed, no matter how hopeless their circumstances may seem, and share ideas for positive change.”
Proposals for papers and workshops still accepted.
Further information on the conference, contact Dr Ali Melling on