University shop to provide services for local people
The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) is further strengthening its links with the local community with plans to open a city centre shop providing a weekly menu of services and activities for the general public.
In the City is the name of the new shop on Lune Street (previously Britannia Building Society) which is set to open by the end of March, hosting both UCLan-led and community group activities such as exhibitions, health and wellbeing services, business and legal advice workshops and science clubs.
The shop’s activities will be published online in advance on a weekly basis with people being encouraged to send in their own proposals for possible events. The premises is currently uninhabited and will undergo a significant refurbishment over the coming weeks.
"UCLan is committed to developing strong links and partnerships with the local community and our ‘In the City’ shop will be a melting pot for new ideas and initiatives which can really drive our city forward."
UCLan Head of Communications and Engagement Dr Jo Heaton-Marriott is working on the initiative. She commented: “UCLan is committed to developing strong links and partnerships with the local community and our ‘In the City’ shop will be a melting pot for new ideas and initiatives which can really drive our city forward. The new facility will be open-access and most sessions will be run free of charge.”
Suggestions so far include first aid workshops provided by the UCLan School of Nursing, a Saturday morning children’s science club run by the UCLan and Royal Institution Young Scientist Centre and live literature projects such as storytelling and creative writing events. People can also call in to find out more about UCLan courses and take part in drop-in taster sessions.
Anyone wanting to know more about the initiative or propose a workshop idea can contact the In the City shop team at