UCLan Publishing bookshop

Welcome to our new UCLan Publishing bookshop, where you’re sure to find a great read amongst our ever-growing range of titles

Based on the Preston Campus, we welcome book lovers from far and wide – students, colleagues and members of the public. We’ve got hundreds of gripping page-turners in a wide range of genres waiting to be discovered - from historical novels to whodunnits.

Inside you’ll find cozy seating areas where you can relax and immerse yourself in our latest titles. It’s the perfect place to escape from it all. If you’re looking for fun and adventures in distant lands, our books will whisk you away to some spellbinding places.

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Relax in our cozy seated area
Relax in our cozy seated area

Detailed information


Wednesdays 10am-3pm


The UCLan Publishing bookshop can be found in ME021 of the Media Factory

General enquiry