The Centre for Collaborative Learning (CCL) operates as a collaborative conduit through which we develop and enhance academic practice and evolve provision through professional practice communities and bespoke pedagogical and technological initiatives.
The Centre is located under the Pro Vice-Chancellor of Students and Teaching in the wider University structure.
We provide a platform for collaboration, bringing colleagues from across the University and beyond to work together on projects and initiatives. Working closely with academic teams and professional services, we provide pathways to support and encourage the development and cross-fertilisation of good teaching practice.
The centre is comprised of the following pillars:
- Academic Advancement
- Learning Enhancement
- Academic Study Skills
We provide support and resources for teaching excellence. This ranges from personal development for staff to curriculum support for teams.
Our success is built upon collaboration and bringing together colleagues from across the university and beyond. We create pathways to share educational initiatives and inspire innovation in learning and teaching.
We also lead on a variety of strategic projects aligned to participation, progression and outcomes. This includes evaluation activities for the University’s Access and Participation Plan.
The Centre for Collaborative Learning (CCL) is based in the Adelphi Building AB032.
Explore our pillars
Academic Advancement
The Academic Advancement team develop and deliver accredited academic and CPD programmes to staff across the university. They also provide academic enhancement activity through the teaching observation scheme.
The team coordinate and deliver:
- The Associates Programme in Teaching and Learning
- Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice
- Fellowships in Higher Education
The team also coordinate the Teaching Observation Scheme. The scheme is designed to be supportive and developmental in nature. The observations are based on criteria developed by the Centre for Collaborative Learning (CCL). Observations are undertaken by a team of experienced Teaching Observers within the University. All academic staff (excluding those on research-only contracts) are expected to be observed.
We are committed to providing support and professional development to our academic colleagues. We make further efforts especially for those that may be new to the lecturing role.
Learning Enhancement
The Learning Enhancement Team provide guidance on the application of digital approaches to learning, teaching and assessment.
The team identify, share, and promote technology solutions to enhance learning experiences.
The team also support the development of collaborative learning and teaching opportunities. The team leads the development and enhancement of our physical and virtual learning environments.
Working within the Centre, the team explores the relationship and deeper integration of pedagogy and technology. They promote approaches which have a positive impact on our diverse and dispersed learner community.
Academic Study Skills
Our Academic Skills support team offer a range of resources, workshops and one-to-one tutorials. The service is based on a hub and spoke model, providing an extended, dedicated central team who work closely with schools. The team provide support for Preston, Burnley and Westlakes campuses.
Through collaboration meetings, our teams work together to consider school provision and to address academic skills development in the curriculum.
The team's central aim is to support students with academic skills development - helping them to fulfil their potential. To do this, we provide a student-facing service for undergraduate and postgraduate students. They offer both online and in-person tutorials and workshops. Staff review short extracts of students’ work (max 500 words) and provide feedback on academic writing, style and referencing. They also provide feedback on other academic writing conventions required for university assignments.
Students can also join our Study Skills Peer Support Community. This is a Teams channel where students can post questions they may have, and other students provide answers. The chat is monitored and moderated by support staff.
In addition to supporting students, we also assist staff in addressing their students’ specific academic skills development needs. This is achieved through the co-creation of effective curriculum interventions.