"I’ve always loved performing, since being in the Nativity play at primary school and by sixth form I realised it could be a career. The University’s BA (Hons) in Acting seemed to offer everything I wanted and needed as an actor.

"I could see previous students were passionate about the University’s BA (Hons) in Acting. At audition I could understand why students were enthusiastic about it, I was put at ease instantly and it felt like family. The offer was everything that drama schools are meant to offer and, as it was closer to home, I knew it was where I wanted to spend my three years.
"I love every day that I spend learning my craft. Every module pushes me to be a better person and actor all in one."
"Animal studies in my first year is something I’ll always remember and I’ll continue to learn from. Three of us were performing as gazelles, I was completely out of my comfort zone, but the pure detail involved inspired me and made me understand the complexity of acting. It became this magical animalistic performance that everyone was so engaged with rather than being something stupid and funny. This is an example of the best thing about being at this University, I’m always feeling pushed and challenged.
"A strength of the course is how it is helping my career ambition. I’ve tried different types of performance, using different techniques, including radio and TV. From being involved in short films, to presenting a Sky TV music show and being part of a fashion show, I’ve benefitted from the University’s connections. It means I’ve many skills under my belt, making me more of a diverse actor, and giving me confidence about my options.
"I’ve also gained from learning alongside other students on related courses like film. It’ll help with networking after leaving. And voice coaching in my first year really helped me with my nerves.
"My course is always preparing me for the world of work, turning me into a professional who can do it for real.
"My top tip for anyone wanting to study at University is to just give it your all, even if you sometimes don’t understand why you are doing something. Trust the process because it will all click at the end. The tutors know what they are talking about and will always do what’s best for you. Also just be yourself. Your peers and tutors want somebody they can work well who has their own opinions and ideas. Finally, I would say, no matter how hard it is, leave your personal life outside of the Media Factory. You only have three years of training and you’ll regret not committing to it fully, it’ll be over faster than you can imagine. Have fun and do your best."