Patricia Simpson

Lecturer Adult Pre Registration NursingSchool of Nursing and Midwifery

Patricia joined the university in December 2016. She teaches across a range of modules on the Pre Registration Nursing programme within the School of Nursing and Midwifery. With 30 years of clinical practice experience in an array of different roles including Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (graduating with a First class Honours Degree) as a School nurse and a Health Visitor, Substance Misuse Specialist nurse for children in care, Nurse lead for Teenage Sexual Health and working collaboratively with colleagues in Health, Social care, Armed Forces and the Prison Service, this knowledge and experience supports and facilitates student learning for the theory of nursing and the practice of nursing. Patricia is a National Teaching Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Nurse Teacher with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. As a life long learner, she is motivated to continue to learn and promote health care values and contribute to the development of evidence based practice and effective outcomes.