Dr Kathryn Berzins
Kathryn is an experienced mixed-methods researcher with expertise in improving safety in mental health services. She manages the Implementation and Capacity Building Team, part of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast (ARC NWC). The team deliver the research internship programme for health and social care practitioners across the North West developing the research capacity of the workforce and promoting the implementation of evidence-based practice.
Kathryn's research is focused on mental health services and she has a particular interest in improving safety through reducing restrictive practices. She has previously carried out research into a range of areas related to mental health, including people's experiences with stigma, carer and family member's experiences seeking support in crisis situations and the application of mental health legislation. Kathryn has published numerous peer reviewed papers, many concerning aspects of safety in mental health services and she continues to carry out collaborative research in this area. Her grant capture via NIHR as co-applicant and PI exceeds £5 million. With ARC NWC she collaborates on implementation projects including DeStress II improving primary care responses to distress.
Kathryn is co-lead for the Master’s module ‘Improving delivery of services through implementation science’ and teaches on the ARC NWC ‘Introduction to Research Methods’ programme making complex content accessible, relevant and applicable for practitioners. Kathryn carries out a range of engagement activities with health and social care organisations across the North West to promote uptake of ARC NWC research capacity building opportunities. Over 100 research interns have been supported to participate in this programme over the past five years, many of whom remain involved in research. Kathryn supervises research interns, Master’s and PhD students.
- PhD Public Health, University of Glasgow
- Master of Community Care
- BA Hons
- Mental health services
- Patient safety in mental health services
- Implementation science
- Research capacity building
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Mental Health Research Network
- DeStress 2 - Implementing effective primary care responses to poverty-related mental distress
- Connected Communities - Learning lessons from person-centred community-based support services’ implementation INTENT - Implementing Parent-Led CBT
- PerCIE International Conference: Beyond the Bedside, 2022
- Improving Patient Safety: new horizons, new perspectives, 2019
- 11th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry, 2019
- 23rd International Mental Health Nursing Research (MHNR) Conference, 2018
Email: Email:Dr Kathryn Berzins
Use the links below to view their profiles: