Dr Emily Bedston
Research FellowSchool of Health, Social Work and Sport
Emily’s background is in applied statistics and quantitative research methods. She has interests and experience in evaluating domestic violence interventions and conducting research with respect to Looked After Children/Children in Care.
Emily is currently working on a Home Office funded project evaluating services for Children Affected by Domestic Abuse (CADA).
Her PhD explored the journeys of Looked After Children, making enhanced use of the routinely collected administrative data on Children Looked After. She has also worked on a project evaluating an early intervention programme for children living with domestic violence. Her current work involves evaluating services for CADA.
- PhD Exploring the Journeys of Looked After Children in One English Local Authority - A Multi-State Modelling Approach Using Administrative Data, ESRC Funded, Lancaster University, 2014
- MRes in Applied Social Statistics, Lancaster University, 2010
- MSc in Medical Statistics, Lancaster University, 2009
- BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Statistics, Lancaster University, 2007
- Domestic Violence and Abuse
- Children Looked After
- Applied Statistics
- Quantitative Research Methods
Email: Email:Dr Emily Bedston