Tiffany joined the academic team at the University of Central Lancashire as a frequent guest lecturer delivering Conflict Resolution and Breakaway training for student nurses, before appointment to a post 2015. She has undertaken module leadership of a number of modules within the pre and post registration portfolio and has also undertaken a leadership role in recruitment in the School of Nursing and Midwifery. Particular areas of interest include Personality Disorder, Trauma informed approaches to care, Violence and restrictive practice reduction, healthcare law, ethics and communication.
Tiffany completed a Diploma in Mental Health Nursing in 2004, going on to work in a range of clinical settings in different professional roles. Her clinical focus was adult acute in-patient mental health settings and she developed a specific interest and expertise in working with individuals in acute distress. In addition to her role as a nurse, she worked as an Violence Reduction Instructor after successful completion of a Graduate Certificate in Teaching Effective Aggression Management. Her early experiences and passion for teaching was nurtured when delivering physical and theoretical training packages in violence reduction, conflict resolution, physical restraint skills and breakaway in a large NHS trust. In 2010, Tiffany became a Lead Nurse in Violence Reduction and went on to complete a Professional Practice degree in this field. This appointment provided an opportunity to influence policy and strategy, educational packages and participate in research projects such as the REsTRAIN Yourself Violence reduction strategy in partnership with UCLan. Tiffany also undertook 'Root Cause Analysis' training in order to lead investigations into Serious Incidents in clinical settings. The clinical and learning opportunities provided to Tiffany throughout this career has led a key area of interest being the lived experience of service users and professionals working with acute psychological distress in healthcare settings.