Stroke-Specific Education Framework (SSEF)

Clinical Practice Research Unit (CPRU)

The SSEF describes the QMs as Elements of Care so that it has currency in all four UK countries. Within each Element of Care there are competency-like items that reflect the ‘knowledge and understanding’ and ‘skills and abilities’ a member of staff should possess if they have a role in the delivery of that area, of the stroke care pathway.


High-quality care and services for people with stroke need staff with appropriate knowledge and skills. In the wake of the National Stroke Strategy (2007) the UK Forum for Stroke Training (UKFST) has been established to work towards the achievement of recognised, quality-assured and transferable education programmes in stroke.

The UKFST is responsible for linking training and education, workforce competences, professional development, and career pathways. A Steering Group and four Task Groups, facilitated by a project team – CW, MJL and the Department of Health stroke team, developed a Stroke-Specific Education Framework (SSEF), which was based around the 16 Quality Markers (QMs) of the National Stroke Strategy covering the whole stroke care pathway.

Study Aim

To identify how the SSEF can be used to support education and training in stroke. This project will explore the use of the SSEF to develop role profiles for staff working in stroke care and how these profiles can guide training.

Findings so far

  • A Stroke Specific Education Framework (SSEF) website has been developed, where staff can view existing profiles and create their own profile.
  • Role profiles have so far been developed for the following staff groups:
    • Advanced Clinical Practitioner
    • Care Home Worker
    • Dietitian
    • GP
    • Health Care Assistant
    • Medical Student
    • Nurse
    • Occupational Therapist
    • Orthoptist
    • Paramedic
    • Physiotherapist
    • Psychologist (Clinical)
    • Psychologist (Neuro)
    • Speech and Language Therapist
    • Stroke Physician
    • Stroke Survivors and their Informal Carers
    • Therapy Assistant
    • Voluntary Sector Coordinator
  • Other roles are currently under review
  • A Staffing Calculator has been developed, where information about patient throughput and how staff spend their time, is used to provide a recommendation as to the number of staff needed in a stroke service.

Further information

For more information about this project, please contact our SSEF Team or visit the SSEF website.