Stephen Harrison
Stephen is a wildlife disease ecologist/conservation geneticist who has conducted research on a global scale. His work has focused on disease surveillance, and immune gene profiling in wild and endangered species. Stephen has experience working in urban, marine, arctic and desert environments on a variety of wild and domestic species. Stephen has worked in higher education and research for 20 years, teaching in animal and environmental sciences and is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy. His main teaching interests are focused on developing novel and engaging techniques to make complex subject such as statistics accessible to a wider audience.
Stephen is course lead for the School of Veterinary Medicine's new MSc in Global applications in One Health and One Welfare, this is a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary program designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to lead change in the interconnected fields of health and welfare.
Stephen has held a number of research and teaching positions at universities both in the UK and USA. His pervious work has focused on the conservation and recovery of endangered species, epidemiological risks to wild and domestic animals and immune gene profiling in wild and domestic canids. Stephen has also acted as scientific advisor for a number of television programmes for the BBC and Discovery Channel.
- Course leader MSc Global applications in One Health and One Welfare
- MRes Molecular Systematics, Queens University of Belfast 1999
- BSc (Hons) Zoology, Queens University of Belfast, 1998
- One Health
- Wildlife disease ecology
- Immunogenetics
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- Global MHC diversity in the Red fox, (Vulpes vulpes) and Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus)
Email: Email:Stephen Harrison
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