Dr Afshan Sumera
Sumera is a pathologist and has more than 13 years of teaching experience and overall 20+ years in areas of medicine. Her research interests include hematopathology (thalassemia), and health professions education (HPE). Her recent research was elucidating biological processes modulated by oxidative stress due to iron overload in transfusion-dependent thalassaemia using novel mass spectrometry-based bioanalytical and immunome protein-array methods.
Sumera teaches Pathology at AUC MD Track and Postgraduate Diploma in International Medical Sciences. She is also a co-director of our respiratory and renal module.
Before joining us, Dr. Sumera was the Chair of the Pathology department and eLearning lead for the School of Medicine at the International Medical University (IMU), Malaysia. Apart from academics, she also has a highly creative bent of mind. Her innovations include a VRX (WebVR) RBC Morphology Project and an educational YouTube channel. Sumera also led the IMU-MedTalk initiative which was recommended to make strategies and strengthen the partnership between IMU and partner medical schools to build a common platform(s) that would offer courses in a unified manner. The objectives were to enhance students' learning experience, explore the possibility of unbundling the curriculum, and create common learning activities.
- PhD Medical & Health Sciences, International Medical University, 2022
- PGCert Medical Education, University of Dundee, 2020
- M.Phil. Pathology, Dow University of Health Sciences, 2011
- PGDip Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases, Dow University of Health Sciences, 2007
- MBBS, University of Sindh, 1996
- John Simpson Trophy and Teaching Excellence Award, International Medical University, Malaysia, 2022
- Sumera, A., Radhakrishnan, A., Baba, A. A., & Cheong, S. K. Differentially Expressed Proteins in Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (TDT) and Their Role in Tdt Disease Severity. Blood, 2022; 140(Supplement 1), 5365-5366.
- Sumera, A.; Anuar, N.D.; Radhakrishnan, A.K.; Ibrahim, H.; Rutt, N.H.; Ismail, N.H.; Tan, T.-M.; Baba, A.A. A Novel Method to Identify Autoantibodies against Putative Target Proteins in Serum from beta-Thalassemia Major: A Pilot Study. Biomedicines 2020; 8, 97.
- Jawed A, Singh G, Kohli S, Sumera A, Haque S, Prasad R, Paul D. Therapeutic role of lipases and lipase inhibitors derived from natural resources for remedies against metabolic disorders and life style diseases. South African Journal of Botany, 2018.
- Banneheke, H; Nadarajah, VD; Ramamurthy, S; Sumera, A; Ravindranath, S; Jeevaratnam, K; Effendie, B; Chellamuthu, L; Krishnappa, P; Peterson, R. Student preparedness characteristics important for clinical learning: perspectives of supervisors from medicine, pharmacy and nursing. BMC Medical Education, 2017, 17:130.
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