Study support

Student support

We're on hand to help guide you through your studies, with academic support and resources to ensure you can reach your full potential.

What study support do we provide?

  • Assignment feedback, workshops and one-to-one sessions
  • Group activity sessions
  • Dedicated support hubs for all our schools
  • Digital skills courses

Already studying with us?

Our Student Hub has more information about the support you can get based on your personal needs and circumstances.

How can we help you with your studies?

We have teams across our campuses who can always help make sure you’re on track.

Deliver work you can be proud of with a range of workshops, assignment feedback and one-to-one sessions available to all our students.


 The WISER service helps all students to develop their academic and study skills to succeed at university. WISER is a service for all UCLan students who are studying at foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate levels.

Group activity sessions

If you prefer an interactive approach to study, our fun and engaging group activity sessions run by current students could be for you. These sessions improve academic performance and achievement, as well as being a great way to make new friends.

Digital skills courses

Looking to become more tech savvy? Our online Digital Skills courses cater for all abilities.

We want to see you achieve all your goals and sometimes that starts with understanding the software you’ll need to use. We have a range of workshops available to students covering anything from PowerPoint to Photoshop, just take your pick.

We offer support ranging from:

  • Video training packages
  • Guided training packages
  • Handouts
  • Access to technical and academic expertise.